Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Book Review ~ Revenge Wears Prada

Read: 7th October 2013
Rating: -5/5
This depresses me to write, but I do believe having stuck with reading this for a number of weeks it is one of the worse books ever written. Such an amazing character is destroyed on the first page. I was heartbroken reading this book, especially after being so excited on its release. 
Everything you love about Andy in the first novel are turned on its head in the second. 
Writing for a Bridal Magazine?! A rich husband?! Emily her best friend?! A fluffy dog?!
It is ridiculous. And awful. The narrating is crap, the writing is rushed and the plot badly laid out - one minute something dramatic happens and the chapter ends on a cliffhanger - then the next chapter is completely different!
If you loved "The Devil Wears Prada" DON'T READ IT!
If you didn't like "The Devil Wears Prada" DON'T READ IT!
Basically... DON'T READ IT.