Saturday 27 December 2014

The Movie Review ~ Paddington

Rating 5/5

So glad Ben Whitshaw voiced Paddington - he was brilliant. The best part was the tube escalator.... won’t say anymore. This is a proper family movie. It really is a must see. Hilarious! Cute! ... And really well done with a brilliant cast. 

Go and see it!

Wednesday 24 December 2014

The Movie Review ~ Mockingjay Part 1

Rating 5/5

I think this movie series is the only one where the sequel is better than the original. Mockingjay is the best of the three so far. Julianne Moore is outstanding. It was also great to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman shining so bright. Josh Hutchinson was amazing in this one... maybe even outshone Jennifer Lawrence. 

The destruction of District 12 was really effective. 

There is not much I can say other than... GO AND SEE IT (but read the book first)! 

Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Book Review ~ The Aftermath

Rating 5/5

It was a complete accident that I picked up Rhidian Brook’s book, based simply on a waterstones specials table. I was so glad that I found it! It was absolutely amazing. The plot is flawless, the characters believable and the writing is superb. I could not put it down once I started it. 

Based in post WW2 Germany - an area I was not familiar with at all - I learnt so much about the Depression of the area, the rooting out of Nazi’s and the rebellion of the public to the atrocious treatment of the innocent. 

The book is about a British Officer whose sympathy leads to him allowing the German family that own the house he has requisitioned to stay. His family arrive after being parted through the sorrow of loosing a son. For them Germany is not as easy to live in as the handbook suggests. 

Fantastic book. Worth the read! 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Book Review ~ Shopaholic to the Stars

Rating: - 1/5

Heartbroken, devastated, mortified, let down - you name it, I feel it. If there was ever a sign to complete a series this was it. Sophie Kinsella’s latest was the biggest disappointment (or second biggest as Devil Wears Prada Sequel was bad too). Becky had changed and not in a good way. The relationships Becky had with all her friends and Luke were destroyed. The brainwashing of Tarquin, and the strange interest of her Father in his old friend which was never explained just added to the overindulgent and sadly depressing turn in the shopaholic series.