Friday 20 April 2012

The Theatre Review ~ American Idiot

Seen: - 20th April 2012
Rating: - 5+/5

I came across this production by accident. I was on a bus tour around LA and I saw posters for it and managed to get tickets to the closing night. It was phenomenal! 
Van Hughes stole my heart. He was a ball of fire, adroitly capturing the young man’s zest for life and his dangerous appetite for excess. Every time he appeared onstage he was spellbinding. As St. Jimmy, a charismatic drug dealer, Joshua Kobak offers an intriguing mix of charm and sleaze - you could not help but feel Billie Joe’s vibe coming off him. Tunny (played by a Canadian, Scott J. Campbell), who impulsively joins the army and suffers serious injuries in Iraq, projects a sweet vulnerability when his voice is on pitch he is completely amazing! 
The setting, the music it was just everything I dreamed it would be. 

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