Tuesday 25 June 2013

Things are Changing....

OK so this is a quick update on what is going on:
I am writing my first full novel. I will provide extracts soon. 
I am House Chair at Somerville College. 
Social Secretary of the Oxford University Student Chorus. 
My family moved to Ottawa.
 I work in an Oxford publishing house. 
(And I am in love!) 

Post to come: many late book reviews, and a movie review -- as well as snippets of my book!

Sorry about my MIA Status... Will improve time management immediately!

Much Love 
ThePoshGurl (& Her TidyBoy)

Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Movie Review ~ The Great Gatsby

Seen: 18th June 2013
Rating: 5/5

This was Baz Lurhman at his finest. Brilliant use of setting and music. Gorgeous costumes! Just phenomenal. I would say that this was his best movie since Romeo and Juliet. It will go down as an epic. 

Leonardo DiCaprio was fantastic. He is always so much better in these strange, serious roles. Tobey Maguire was phenomenal as always. I am a huge fan of Joel Edgerton so seeing him in a title role in this sort of movie was... ABOUT TIME! As for the women, Carey Mulligan and Isla Fisher were great- but for them it was all about the costumes... WOWZA! 

Also have to say something about the script! Such a fantastic adaptation. 
Amazing! Loved it! The End!

Sunday 16 June 2013

The (mini) Book Reviews 2-7

Read: 15th June 2013
Rating: 3/5

Not the horror story I was expecting. Mostly a story about death. Very strange story but it was pretty engaging. Really vivid character. I wanted more information on the Fanshawes though. 

Read: 3rd May 2013
Rating: 5/5

This was a reread for me but oh the JOY! Rape, Murder, Romance, Ghosts, Sins, Lust - what more can you want from a book. It is a horrific story but so well done. You can’t put it down. Loved it even more the second time around!

Read: 29th May 2013
Rating: 2/5

OK I don’t get what the fuss is about. Poe is clever and his stories are really vivid BUT I don’t love them, or hurry to read through them. There were only a handful I really enjoyed. It was a long read. 


Read: 21st May 2013
Rating: 5/5

I LOVE Wilkie Collins! He is dark, mysterious, twisted and really really heart-wrenching! The plot keeps you guessing till the end. I loved it so much! Why are not all novels written like this?

Read: 18th May 2013
Rating: 4/5

Completely different from the film but just as good. Writing is not brilliant but the voice, description and characters are truly haunting. Excellent! A real page-turner. 

Read: 12th May 2013
Rating: 3/5

Cute little book with interesting points, but its more on etiquette and manners than a budget book. Really has aged, but it is no less enjoyable. The ‘cases’ section are the most fun to read. Not as good as I expected.