Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Theatre Review ~ Pride and Prejudice

Seen: 9th July 2013
Rating: 3/5

So it was TidyBoy’s birthday, and I spoilt him rotten (so I gave myself a little present in the evening). After a delicious dinner at an Italian we went to Trinity College, and under the setting sun of a beautiful day we watched a stage production of Pride and Prejudice in the gardens there. It was a fabulous setting. The background was gorgeous. The staging was fabulous! Lizzy, Lydia, Mrs. Bennett, Caroline and Mr. Bingley were just absolutely brilliant. Especially Mrs. Bennett who just embodied the character to a tee.

The script was very rushed being a mixture of the BBC production, and the book. Another disappointment was there was a lot of overacting - especially from Mr. Bennett and Jane. It really ruined the effect... maybe I was just sat too close to the stage!? 

It was a great night though, and a beautiful experience in the Trinity Gardens at sunset with the one I love listening to the words of Austen! I think Jane herself would have smiled at us... sat there snuggling in a Canucks blanket on his birthday watching her love story! Very Romantic! 

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