Friday 5 September 2014

The Fancy Nancy Revolution

How can a three year old have more fashion sense and style than The Posh Gurl? 

I have been asking myself the same question for a few days now. 
How on earth did this happen? And how the Hell did I not see it? 

I came to Canada a little earlier than expected after discovering that my Mum's cancer was back and this time it was worse... a lot worse. Packing incredibly light I arrived and have been spending time with my family trying to get through this tough process. However, one thing was frequently coming up. 

What are you wearing? What is with you hair? 
And of course the most popular question of all... 
When did you become so FRUMPY! 

One by one dresses, tops and pants were disposed of. Critiques after critique started to get me down. Yet there was something niggling. My family were onto something. I had lost my confidence, my self-esteem, and slowly but surely I began to realize what a MESS I was in. 
My fashion style had gone completely and with it so had my 'swag'. 
Where and how I have no idea, but it was well and truly vanito! 

So where does one start when the fashion bulb has blown? 

Today... after a failed attempt at a Birthday celebration yesterday, (Mum had surgery and Sister broke her nose) I went SHOPPING! Of course I am in Ottawa now so it takes a little bit more browsing to find the gems, but gems were found. 
Banana Republic (of course), Victoria Secret (fitting included), The Bay (makeup counters) and a new boutique that rocked my world Viens Avec Moi. 

So where does the three year old fit into all this? 
After shopping till we dropped Sister decided to reeducate me in the lesson of dressing. With a new pair of shoes and my purple birthday ankle boots in tow a fashion show was ordered and fulfilled. 
Finishing a couple of outfits with my sisters Michael Kors pants, Tory Burch jeans and an Eloise dress as well as my own Mavi denim jacket and Oxford Uni Varsity jacket I strutted my new found 'Swagger' to none other than... The Wiggles! The Princess of the house watched on and with each new outfit showered me with compliments such as-"You look like a Princess" and "Beautiful Dress"

After hanging up my new found gems I was invited to a Princess tea party and then got to put the Princess herself to bed - What an Honour! 

All that is left for this Posh Gurl to get her moves back is a hair appointment (always remember Chanel's words) and a few more bits already chosen from Banana Republic 
And of course... a new gym outfit from Lululemon. 

Although the future for our family is still muggy there is one thing for certain- 
Sister always knows best! (I just have to make sure I listen next time)

After reading the Princess her Fancy Nancy books this evening I realized that this Princess really knows philosophy! This week TidyBoy had taken off this glasses and the Princess said- 
"You don't look like Uncle E without your glasses. You just look like Uncle". 
The same goes for me. 
Without my fashion I don't look like Auntie H. I just look like Auntie. 

Well Auntie H/The Posh Gurl is back and she is sticking around... 
So keep your eyes peeled for snaps of my new outfits over the coming days/weeks! 

P.S. Please keep sending positive thought and prayers coming my Mum's way! 

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