Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Film Review ~ Gone Girl

Rating: 5/5

I read this book about a year ago and no book has compared since. I was really hesitant about watching the film but after reading the reviews and hearing Reese Witherspoon discussing it I had to go. 

WOW! I didn't move for two and a half hours. It was entralling. I have never seen Ben Affleck act like that. He was incredible. As for Rosamund Pike... she was PERFECT! She was terrifying. 

It was as if someone stepped into my brain and put my vision of the book onto the screen. Everyone was perfectly cast. The music was brilliant. The setting was hauntingly good. It was just ... AMAZING!

I have nothing but positives to say about it because there is nothing bad about it!

When I saw Gillian Flynn had written the script I could not wait for the movie to start. She is one amazing storytelling both in words and images. 

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