Wednesday 7 January 2015

Fit and Fabulous!

2015 is a time for change, a time to become the person I want to be. 

"If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is Wake Up!"

After The Big Reveal Makeover last Autumn I am happy with myself and my fashion. The next step is my body. I do not have the shape or the fitness level that I want. Therefore, the start of this new year is The Big Shake Up! 

It began from the get go of New Year with Maggie and myself hitting the commuting route! 

Today it was all about the GYM! 

My new personal trainer Mark put me through my paces today and this is the plan. 

Warm Up:
  • 1 KM on the Cross Trainer
Circuit A 3 Reps
  • Lower Back Deadlifts with a 7 kg weight (13)
  • Lunges with 2 kg weights (16)
  • Seated Row 13 kg (15)
1 Minute, level 10 Bike

Circuit B 3 Reps
  • Burpees (12)
  • Chest Press with 4 kg weight (15)
  • Upright Row 8 kg (15)
1 Minute, level 10 Bike

Circuit C 3 Reps
  • Squat Jumps (15)
  • Tricep Flatback Pulldown  8.7 kg (15)
1 Minute, level 10 Bike

Circuit D 3 Reps
  • Russian Twist with a medicine ball (16)
  • Ball Crunches with a stability ball (20)
1 Minute, level 10 Bike

Circuit E 3 Reps
  • Ankle Taps (15)
  • Straight leg crunches (20)
1 Minute, level 10 Bike

The Big Shake Up!

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