Saturday 22 November 2014

The Theatre Review ~ Miss Saigon

Rating 4/5

Miss Saigon was the first musical I ever saw in London. When I heard it was being redone I could not get tickets fast enough. Going to London for work seemed like a ‘sign’ so I purchased! Before which I downloaded the new album. I was glad I did because the difference is quite substantial. Mostly good! The worst thing being that “Her or Me” has been removed and replaced with an awful song called “Maybe” - poor Ellen! 

The theatre was packed and it has extended its run - so book in advance. The Engineer stole the show without a doubt. He is just incredible! The most shocking thing was Thuy - he was absolutely breath taking. I loved his reappearance in Kim’s nightmare - completely chilling. 

The relationship of Kim and Chris was so much more believable in this production. Chris played up the modern elements of falling in love not just being the simple ‘musical way’. His acting was just incredible. His reactions during The Wedding Ceremony were brilliant. 

The production was flawless. A must see. 

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