Saturday 2 May 2015

Movie Review ~ Far From the Madding Crowd

Rating: 5/5

This particular Hardy classic is one of my favourites and the movie too. So to have it redone was worrying for me! I didn’t really know the two lead heroes. Martin Sheen as Boldwood… I had doubts. But, since Bleak House and Persuasion I have loved Carey Mulligan so I took Mum along.  

Now I am counting down the days till the DVD is released. I have not stopped listening to the gorgeous Craig Armstrong soundtrack.

To say I was sceptical going to see this movie on it's opening day is an understatement. I was actually terrified. I wanted so badly for it to be good. 

Carey Mulligan had fearlessly thrown herself at Bathsheba and it paid off. She was mesmerizing. I think it was her best performance to date. She was just incredible. 

And Gabriel Oak!!! HELLO and where have you been all my life?! He was exactly how I would have imagined Oak to be!  Martin Sheen gave a really heart-wrenching performance as the cursed Boldwood. Although I did doubt Sargent Troy at first when he turned evil he was incredible.

The setting was beautiful. The soundtrack perfect! The casting spot up. 
There was nothing about the movie I did not like – other than it was too short!

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