Monday 18 January 2016

The Book Review ~ Kate: The Future Queen

Rating: 3/5

I have an addiction. It is Kate Middleton. So getting a "Kate is my Religion" sweater and this book for Christmas was a sheer joy! 

The writing is pretty terrible, and some of the stuff is common knowledge, BUT I LOVED IT!

I was surprised to read an interview from the headmistress of Kate's first secondary school where she was bullied quite brutally. She was the same as my old headmistress... total DENIAL. 

I loved reading about the courtship of the Prince and Kate which was quite secret due to the press contract to give William a normal university life. What was really interesting was William was a bit of a Jerk! 

Basically I have moved forward from obsessed to addicted, but if you are not into the Middleton's probably best to skip this read! 

Sunday 17 January 2016

The Movie Review ~ The Revenant

Rating: 5/5

I cannot believe we got into The Revenant opening weekend, and it was completely AWESOME!

I do think that Tom Hardy out-acted Leonardo DiCaprio. The guy is an actor on another level. He is pure perfection and this character is his best! 

The cinematography is absolutely breathtaking. The music is brilliant. 

It is just an all encompassing, magnificent masterpiece of cinematic genius!

Bring on the Oscars it deserves every single one!

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Afternoon Delight

On afternoons where I am just stuck and can't get motivated I cannot help but switch on an episode of 
"To the Manor Born"

Just such good writing, and acting and... utter perfection. I just want to be Audrey fforbes-Hamilton. 

"Brabinger! Please serve the coffee in the Dining Room."

Tuesday 5 January 2016

The Movie Review ~ Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Rating: 4/5

My trip to the movie did not turn out quite as I expected with 3D and front row! Whoops!

However, that was easily forgotten when the movie started. Wow! Welcome back Star Wars! Finally now that George Lucas has stepped back the stories that we love have stepped forward! 

Seeing the original cast was amazing BUT it just really left the new cast members wanting especially Rey who clearly went to the Kiera Knightly school of non-acting. She was terribly. Obviously not feeling the force but feeling a poo trying to escape. Constipation Much?

The movie was loooong - there was a lot of filler that could have been trimmed to make a more consistent and thrilling movie! 

Having said that the script was excellent and it maintained that Star Wars wonder that we know and love! Looking forward to the next one... maybe Rey will die (fingers crossed)!

Sunday 3 January 2016

The Book Review ~ The Cuckoo Calling

Rating: 2/5

I went into this book expecting quite a lot and was very disappointed. The story was so slow and there was nothing really gripping that held you in the story. 

The London descriptions were incredible and were really gorgeous but the character really fell flat. Robin is really stereotypical, and Cormoran was just so difficult to place - I personally could not place him at all. 

There was so much going on in the first book that you couldn't follow the actual detective story clearly - however, there wasn't much of a detective story to figure out. It wasn't like a good Agatha Christie where you can follow the trail and tie all the strings together to get your answer. This murderer just sort of conveniently popped out. 

There was a constant cliche of 'detective' that I did not expect and was disappointed when reading. 

Just not up to standard that you expect from Rowling.