Monday 18 January 2016

The Book Review ~ Kate: The Future Queen

Rating: 3/5

I have an addiction. It is Kate Middleton. So getting a "Kate is my Religion" sweater and this book for Christmas was a sheer joy! 

The writing is pretty terrible, and some of the stuff is common knowledge, BUT I LOVED IT!

I was surprised to read an interview from the headmistress of Kate's first secondary school where she was bullied quite brutally. She was the same as my old headmistress... total DENIAL. 

I loved reading about the courtship of the Prince and Kate which was quite secret due to the press contract to give William a normal university life. What was really interesting was William was a bit of a Jerk! 

Basically I have moved forward from obsessed to addicted, but if you are not into the Middleton's probably best to skip this read! 

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