Sunday 14 February 2016


I am a big fan of Elizabeth Gilbert especially Eat, Pray, Love. I swear this is not fully intentionally but this new year has been my most Gilbert of all and I am eating, praying and loving it all!! 

In the year that will see me marry my soul mate, move back to my hometown, and start up my own business I am coming back to myself and hApPy beyond belief. I am writing and planning and improving myself daily. Exercising daily, eating healthily, taking time for my religion. 

Which is why for the first time ever I am Lenting myself! Not once, not twice by THREE times!

1. SUGAR - 
As many of you know I am an awful sugar monster. I have three plus sugars in coffee and tea. So as of Wednesday my tea and coffee are sugarless!! This is proving the most difficult of all three! However, four days and there has been no fallout. 

This year I started out on minimal chocolate and despite a few downward spirals into mini eggs I decided that the nutella on my pancakes would be my last chocolate for the 40 days. I swear every pain au chocolate is calling my name as I lay them out in the morning! 

3. CLOSET - 
So this is a little bit out of the ordinary but I read about it on my favourite blog. Everyday of the lent you take an item from your closet that you no longer wear and put it to the side and at the end of the lent period donate it to charity. I have started this and it feels so good! I have been reducing my closet drastically over the last few months as I start to make the closet that will fit my future away from Oxford and Uni clothes (that still fill my drawers). For me clothes are everything. They are how I express my identity. So as I really begin my life in our new city, with my new husband and business I am also putting on my new clothes too! So this lenting out of my closet is making room especially as I get closer day by day to my honeymoon shopping trip!!!!!

Anyway! That's my lent... what's yours?

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