Wednesday 24 February 2016

The Movie Review ~ Tigers in Red Weather

Rating: 5+/5

I was finding it really difficult to get into books at the moment, but this book has to be the turning point. It was absolutely amazing! The writing was just incredible.

I loved the break down of character narrations which allowed the story to be seen from different perspectives. Every character brought a different perspective and opened up a new spin on the events of that summer. 

I have to say the first two narrations were great, but the minute Helena's character began her narration I  was completely consumed! I don't think I have ever hated a character more than her. What a complete and utter bitch! I read her section in one sitting. 

However, the talent of writing comes alive in the final narrations done by the two male characters especially Ed. The twist is absolutely insane. You knew it was coming, but when it happened her writing just catches you out and makes you read and re-read again before what you have ready sinks in.

Fantastic Book, easy read and a complete page turner. I loved it! 

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