Thursday 7 April 2016

The Book Review ~ Shopaholic to the Rescue

Rating: 4/5

Welcome back Sophie Kinsella! 

So Becky Bloomwood had gone missing in Shopaholic to the Stars but is back and playing the chick-lit top players in her latest adventure. Sure the plot is a little impossible and quite unrealistic, but it's funny and the characters are back to being loveable!

There is just something so nice to slipping back into a comfortable situation with characters you fully know and love. Today - (at work) - as I finished the last two chapters of the book I had to remind myself where I was and what I was doing. Kinsella had magically wrapped me up in her world of Becky and her ridiculous shenanigans - I was happy to be back there!  

The book is a follow on to the cliffhanger left in the last book.  Tarquin and Graham have run off to Vegas with the evil yoga dude leaving Becky, Jane, Luke and Suze wondering where they were and how they were ever going to find them! So the novel starts off with them running into the desert to find them with only one clue... Brent! 

It twists and turns through the story of Becky's father who had travel around America one summer with his three friends and together they had developed a ground breaking spring which had financially made one a millionaire. The more they learn the more the plot unfolds and the closer they are to finding the boys. However, when they find the men they are no closer to completing the 'task' and so Becky takes the helm and steers them all towards victory. 

Funny. Sweet. Unrealistic. BUT BECKY!

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