Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!


Hello Readers,

How was your Holiday Season?? Did you get lots of fashionista gifts?! (I know I did).

Suddenly it is the 4th January and I still hadn’t written a New Years Post. So Hello and welcome back! I apologise for my Christmas Absence but things have been a little nutty at my end this season and I am breathing a sigh of relief as reality begins again and I can write once more to you all.

So... I start with a confession. ThePoshGurl has lost her way a little in regards to fashion. So this year begins for her with an adventure back into style. What can be better than setting aside some cash and getting a new grip on style... a reinvention as it were. This reinvention began just yesterday when my local boutique gave me a little taste of my new style....

These boots were too good to resist at 40% off and sooooo cute on!

I also love that you can fold the tops down and twist the style a little!

Of course... it was Christmas so every new year must begin with SPANX! (Nude to follow in Kate’s footsteps!)

What am I going for? Well I started my journal with a page of inspiration, and this is what it included.

Pippa Middleton

She knows how to dress her body and I love it. She is a guru for 2012

Kate Middleton

Yes, yes my obsession continues. Her elegant style is still impeccable.

Emma Watson

Like me she is small and watching how she copes with size issues is key to what I must look for.

Downtown Abbey

K this show is life changing. Give it a watch and you see how women should carry themselves. I love Mary and watching her really makes me dream how I wish I could go back in time. This is how women should be. No, not in regards to their “place”. But in regards to their carriage and elegant ways. Femininity is embraced and not feared. I believe this is where we need to go back to. Femininity.

My Auntie Dawn

YES... my Auntie Dawn visited this Summer and as my memory recollects she is pure style and therefore, she hits my inspirational list!

Also, I conclude with a confession.... Uggs have found a way back into my life!

I was gifted a pair of purple uggs and I must say.... I LOVE THEM. They are so warm and cosy. I am sorry Fashion Guru’s I have fallen victim to the powerful comfort of Uggs. I hope this compensates though... I have re-heeled my favourite boots of all time my Roberto Cavalli studded cowboy boots so I will rotate between high fashion and low fashion to compensate!!

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