Thursday 5 January 2012

What's in Your Handbag?

Here is a question for you... what is in your bag? Men ponder this question continually- what does a female carrying in her bag? Well I am going to look into this very question...

I am a little bit of a bag fiend. I multi-pack my bags. I get it from my sister who is never missing anything when it comes to necessity in ones bag. (With a nappy bag she has become even worse)!

Quick story about my sister’s handbag. A few years ago we were walking along Burrard Street when an old lady tripped and fell in front of us. My sister leapt to her rescue pulling a pair of plastic gloves, antibacterial spray, gauze and a bandage. The ambulance came and took her away. My sister scrubbed down with antibacterial hand sanitizer and hand moisturiser.

I attended a bridal shower a while ago and won a prize! On a list of 40 things I had the most in my bag... close to the full list. So what was in it?

My iphone ~ complete in a Kate Spade case.

My Wallet

My Sunnies

My Keys

A Notepad and Daily Planner

A Makeup Case ~ gum, hand sanitizer, moisturising cream, hair brush, “lady things”, compact, cover-up, lip-balm, doggy bags, nail file, Stella McCartney folding ballet flats, a reusable shopping bag, band aids, polysporin, (recently baby wipes!!) advil, anti-itch cream and Rescue Remedy!

But that is just me...

I think Mary Poppins and Hermione Granger had it right -- dig deep and find absolutely everything you could possibly need!

The myth of a woman’s purse deepens when you look at some new states telling some secrets hidden deep within the female purse... 27 percent of women carry around their hair straighteners at all times, while four percent admitted to carrying around bust enhancers in the shape of chicken fillets which can be easily slipped into the bra, enhancing the cleavage.

Many carried spare underwear around with them for just in case while seven percent of women carried a Christmas cracker lucky charm. Two percent carry around left-over food, one woman even admitted to finding a dead fish at the bottom of her bag!

Lets look at this a different way... I know that when I have a messy bag it is because I am stressed. To clean up my bag is to sweep away the cobwebs of my mind! According to some people carrying less in your bag is more beneficial.

  1. A smaller purse with fewer contents will not physically weigh you down.
  2. Carrying less means less to lose by theft, or accidentally leaving your purse behind.
  3. You don’t have to search for your car keys in a small purse.
  4. If your cell phone is ringing, from your purse, you can turn it off or answer the call with less distraction.
  5. You will feel lighter when you not responsible for carrying around everything that you think you might need.

So then comes the question what to take????

Email me with some of your suggestions and a few pictures and I will post them up!

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