Tuesday 30 October 2012

Oxford Part 5 - Culture Trip

First off my thoughts are with New York City as she battles the flood water and power outages. My heart breaks at the images of the glorious city brought down.

But back to Oxford, this is the week that dreams came true... more dreams that is!
After spending a few days in bed with flu I arose on Tuesday to see go to lunch with my sister. This was a really awesome experience. I have not seen my sister for 10 years, or my niece for that matter! Everyone was so different and it was really fantastic chatting and walking around Oxford together. My niece is absolutely stunning and such a sweet girl so I was a very proud Auntie. In the evening I attended “Short Stories Aloud” which was fab! It really gave me an insight into flash fiction one that allowed me to sink my teeth into the format and give it a go. So this week I have written two flash fictions stories, one non-fiction and one fiction. 

On Tuesday I applied for a blogging position with Oxford Fashion Week. Wednesday I got the job!! I am the fashion blogger for Oxford Fashion Week. OMGOSH! I died and went to heaven. Quite literally. I think I danced for an hour straight. I mean literally DANCED!! And then I got the work-load!! It started with writing for Ethical Fashion Fair and spotlighting on various designers at the fair who I interviewed or summarized. Yesterday I started work on the Cosmopolitan Show and received an email from LK Bennett who is going to loan me clothes to wear for a week feature! Once again I died and went to heaven!! I just cannot believe what my life is doing right now. I am in Oxford, on my own, living alone. I am writing, everyday my task is to write. And now I get a job as a fashion blogger, get to mingle with fashion experts, designers, writers... I keep having to pinch myself. I have to pinch myself to believe that I have got myself here and got myself the job. How?! CRAZY!!

This weekend was my culture weekend. Friday night I dressed up “Strawberry Fields” style and went to the Bond “Skyfall” opening night with a large group from our MCR. Then on Saturday I spent the entire day at St. Hilda’s at a Screenwriting Conference where I got to meet with radio producers, TV comedians and series writers, literary agent and producers. The producer in fact took my details as her friend is the producer behind the original “Bloody Sunday” film and might be interested in my script! Haven’t heard anything yet but...
Saturday night concluded with a date at the opera where I spent the evening drinking prosecco and watching the Welsh National perform La Boheme. A*M*A*Z*I*N*G! 

All in all an excellent week. I keep writing in my journal... “best week of my life” and then something comes the following week that tops it again!! I don’t understand what I have done in my life thus far to become so blessed. 
Something to close with... picture of me at polo from Second Week!

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