Sunday 28 October 2012

The Theatre Review ~ La Boheme

Seen: - 27th October 2012
Rating: - 4/5

When I told my sister I had seen the Welsh National Opera’s trucks pulling up outside our local theatre she exclaimed with “You’ve got tickets right?” When I told her I had not she freaked out completely bellowing I had too! So when I looked it up and saw La Boheme I danced for joy. Ever since I heard “Rent” was based on this show I became obsessed with it. What really upset me was that Vancouver opera was doing La Boheme this season which mean I would miss it. 
My good friend Lawyer-Z accompanied me on Saturday night to what can only be described as a tear fest! The singing was just... jaw-dropping! The set - despite being period they used techno-style greeny screen stuff to project moving images of Parisian roof tops during one scene, to a realistic projection of a wall and dock in another! It was really clever. Also the fade-in and out-curtain made a diamond and was really cool to watch too! Having said that Puccini was the star of this show his power over lyrical phrases, his string work not to mention the story-line! WOWOWOWZA! 
Amazing night!! 

(I could not give it full marks because Aida last season was just so good and nothing yet has come up to it!)

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