Friday 15 February 2013

The Theatre Review ~ Tosca

Seen: 14th February 2013
Rating: 4.5/4 
(Still not Aida though!)

After seeing the Welsh National Opera in the same theatre a few months before I was not expecting much from this Ellen Kent’s production of Tosca. But, Alberta and I had decided what better way was there than to celebrate a single gurls Valentine’s Day then with a completely depressing opera! (Of course by then TidyBoy had come along... another story). 
I was so mistaken though this production was just breathtaking!

For me the entire production was made by Maria Tonina who played the title role. Her acting, her singing, her stage-presence, her EVERYTHING! She was phenomenal. She was the production. 

The opening act saw a little shaky Baron Scarpia, but the second act as the part grew he became alive. It got to the point that as soon as the actor Vladimir Dragos walked onstage all my hair stood on end. 

Ellen Kent created this atmosphere with her staging that just made the whole production alive. Not to be poetic, but the production came off the stage and reached up onto the balcony and pulled you into it. It was fantastic. 

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