Friday 22 February 2013

The Theatre Review ~ The Sleeping Beauty

Seen: 22nd February 2013
Rating: 5/5

Once again my sister heard that the English National Ballet were going to be Oxford and contacted my straight away informing me that I had no choice but to go. Luckily for me TidyBoy is a musician who loves his classical music... so convincing him to come to a ballet was easy! He did spend the production watching the conductor rather than the ballet but... he came!!

It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen. In Vancouver I had seen the Nutcracker and Dracula with the Alberta Ballet, and my family had season tickets to Ballet BC. That’s all well and good but this was like nothing I had ever seen before. This was ballet on another level! It made me want to stretch and try it again! I don’t think I have any words to describe how much I adored this ballet. The fairies, the handsome Prince, and the cross-dressing witch L*O*V*E!

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