Thursday 8 October 2015

Fictional Friends

For the last few days I have felt like utter crap on antibiotics with some bug. Not wanting to think or do anything. When I was sick at home I used to always watch movie after movie after movie. Now when I am sick it is back-to-back Jeremy Kyle. So these last few days I grabbed our Friends DVDs and the two Sex and the City Movies. 

It's funny how watching something that you have always loved but lost among the other crap going on in your life is like bringing yourself back from the dead. That's how I feel watching Carrie and Rachel. The two women I respected and grew up wanting to be and dress like... somehow it got lost... 

(That is except for when I picked out my wedding shoes which are completely Carrie Bradshaw approved!)

SO... I am once again snuggled on the sofa with my kitty, baked beans on toast watching the Sex and the City movie once again!

Icons are vital for a person. It is something to focus on when everything else falls apart. Something to strive towards and aim for. I had forgotten that. It's good to get some 'me' time and refocus on ambition and dreams... and wardrobe goals!!

Yeah for Sex and the City! Thank you for helping me get better! 

It's also nice to re-watch SATC when you know you now have your very own Mr. Big... 

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