Wednesday 16 March 2016

Waxed into Fun!

Finally it is fun! After all the stress of wedding planning and all the arguements and financial planning things on the #HardyHoneybun16 is getting fun! Sure there are still stress issues (plus ones are one massive headache that is continually coming back to haunt us) and there is that ever present niggling feeling that something has been forgotten... HOWEVER on the whole things are on the up and I am finally, finally feeling like a BRIDE TO BE!

It is so easy to forget what you thought getting married would be like. The glamour and pampering gets lost in family politics and troublesome relatives. Now the invites are out, the RSVPs are slowly (very slowly) trickling in and everything is on hold until final numbers are in there is a space to realize HEY this is a once in a lifetime experience. It is the one time you can pamper yourself without feeling guilty because this is the one day that is all about you! 

Last week, after the recommendations of many of my regular customers I headed to my villages local beauty salon and had my first ever bikini wax! It was like the Sex and the City episode when Carrie has 'sex like a man' and strolls onto the streets of Manhattan empowered. I walked out of the salon with my head held high and an added skip in my step! Through the pain I had the realization this is it... I am getting married... I am going to, over the next three months pamper myself like crazy; pull every unwanted hair out by the root, dye every strand of my head red and get my nails manicured to the point of perfection... Why? 

This whole experience has been the complete opposite of what I ever wanted and envisioned. It's not in my hometown, it's not in my home church with my pastor conducting the ceremony, it's not a small wedding with a brunch reception overflowing with maple syrup! It's in England for starters! The bridal shower and the bachelorette has all been sacrificed as my friends and family are a 10 hour flight away. The fun of registry shopping has been forgone due to the shops we want/need to use are across the Atlantic. And, in the disappointment and distraction of preparing for a wedding far from my family and their support I lost the fun. 

Now I have found it again there will be no stopping me! A shopping trip to London has been planned for honeymoon clothing (we live in England at present so a warm climate needs to be prepared for)! Bicester village has been taken by storm as I found my gorgeous 'morning after' outfit. Beauty appointments have been made, dress fittings and hair trials have been booked and there is no looking back. 

I may not have got the dream wedding I always wanted but I am marrying the man of my dreams and I will have the best time preparing for it... starting from NOW! 

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