Saturday 30 April 2011

Letter from The Posh Gurl

Hey Everyone,

So as you can probably tell this is an emerging Blog. I really want it to become like an online magazine with daily columns and weekly articles which everyone can come to know and expect. As well as contain certain sporadic articles of trends or thoughts.

So far I am really loving writing the blog and I am having really positive feedback from people who I know personally and don’t!

I hope this continues on into the future.

What you can expect daily is the “Style in the Store”. I will also start a weekly “Style in the City” focussing on what I have seen around the city recently. Weekly there will continue to be the “Style Guru” and a new “Celebrity Style Guru” focusing on the fashion style of someone famous.

How you can help! If you want to be featured on the blog drop me a line on Twitter or Facebook. Or if you have any information on up and coming events also keep me posted.

Thanks everyone for reading!!

Stay Fashionable!

The Posh Gurl

Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

A fashion blog would not be a fashion blog without a post on the outstanding Royal Wedding the world witnessed yesterday. After working the entire day in Mavi I returned home, got into my PJ’s and set up a makeshift bed on the sofa. I spent the entire night through till 6am in the morning watching the days events.

Kate Middleton (aka The Duchess of Cambridge) looked spectacular in a Sarah Burton for McQueen dress. It was breath-taking. You just knew looking at it that Alexander would be looking down from heaven smiling with joy at what his label accomplished that day!

Pippa Middleton did not fail to impress either. The Maid of Honor’s simple gown was elegant and flattering. It was completely original, I found to dress the bridal party in white. However, no one... no matter what color could outshine Catherine.

The second Burton gown, for the evening festivities was a stunner too. Understated, simple and elegant. Today’s outfits definitely signified the coming out of a Queen.

The Queen. Never is she spotted not dressed appropriately. She is a woman, much like Chanel herself who has maintain elegance and grace throughout her fashion years. She knows what she likes, knows what looks good, and she never strays from her “style” to try new things. Today was no exception. She looked perfect.

NOW.... those who didn’t look so perfect....

If you are on the “chubby” side fashion is a wonderful thing. It creates shapes, lines, silhouttes that hide or accentuate (appropriately) the female form (however chubby). So with access to all this fashion and its wonders, WHY oh WHY would you wear this (talking about the blue dress)??

And... I am sorry... no words describe this.... this... HORROR! If you were my cousin and turned up at my wedding in THIS... I would stop the ceremony to throw you out.

Style in the Store ~ Friday 29th April

So... I found it really hard to snap fashion in store today as nothing compared to the spectacle of the night before!!

However on my lunch break these shoes caught my eye...

Just for complete fun these shoes were worn in Blenz by Pixie. The designer is ironfist. They are hilarious with a hint of graphic novel styling which i love and purple which i also love!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Style in the Store ~ Thursday 28th April

Emily Long poses in a cute denim vest on “Jeans for Jeans Day”.

Eryne Ordel from Ordel Group returning to get her pants hemmed.

Looks absolutely gorgeous in a Maxi Skirt, Cropped Leather jacket & Louis Vuitton bag.

I had to take a snapshot of Taik Kobayashi in Mavi today. Since indulging myself in classic movies a guy in a cardigan is the best sort!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Co-Workers Style @ Mavi Yaletown

Ikue kado’s homemade jewelry. this is a beaded “bow tie necklace” that fits her entire purple outfit!

Once again maddison bunnett (style guru 1) shows her style with two in-style mannequins. perfection!

Style in the Store ~ Wednesday 27th April 2011

Eryne from Ordel Group came in to grab some skinnies. Sporting a really gorgeous jacket with a Studded color (& the Alexa Sateens looked gorgeous too).

Sporting some Beauty Mark Products and Alexa jeans The Posh Gurl was ready for the Beauty Mark grand opening!

My co-worker Ikue was sporting a cool purple outfit with lots of cool angles and patterns.

Lindsay came into the store this morning and brought a breath of spring with her cute floral top.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Style in the Store ~ Tuesday 26th April 2011

As many of you Vancouverites know today is game day. The day when our city becomes awash with white and blue, or yellow and black (if you go vintage). So I couldn’t help but snap some Canuck fans in store.

This is Amy Postma and her Dad sporting some “Hockey Style”. Amy herself looked totally cute in some skinny jeans and a cropped leather jacket with her Canucks tee... Go Canucks Go.

Ok... Ok this was last week BUT... it was a Game Day and on Game Day all things Canuck is relevant!! So this is The Posh Gurl contributing to "Hockey Style" whilst working!

This is The Posh Gurl in store this afternoon. I post this simply for you Rochele... you asked to see me with the bandana’s on so here it is... (Snapped also in my favourite Seychelles boots).

My eyes never stop roaming...

On my lunch in the Blenz across the street from my store i stopped two girls as they waited for their drinks. Their particular styles had caught my eyes... both wished to remain Anonymous.

This girls outfit was chic and trendy. A pair of knee high-heeled black boots, patterned tights and a perfect fitting sweater dress.

This girls pop of color made me want to photograph her. The over-sized white blazer with simple top and leggings with that one pop of yellow in her scarf made this outfit beautifully thought out.

Sarah Cameron a Red Bull Marketer came into the store to grab some cuffed shorts and i had to capture her. The flowing tunic top, with funky boots and large dangling jewelry was a perfect style statement.

When she came to pay i had to grab a second picture as she topped off her look with a green army jacket and heavy scarf draped “just so”. Fabulous!

My Mannequin #3

Today i dealt with the dudes fashion. mr. sit down is dresses in a new and deliciously soft bootcut jean in a light blue. Underneath the dominated green button down shirt a light green graphic tee.

My Mannequin #4

Without a doubt this guy is in my favorite shirt it is an aviator in light blue. Underneath a unique graphic shirt... shoes over the telephone wire, vein bleached jeans, complete with a brooklyn industry pack.

My Mannequin #5

This handsome fella is oh so casual with cotton pants in navy, a dark blue graphic tee, and a crisp white button-down shirt.

My Mannequin #6

This guy is ready for the beach with cargo shorts, a light “graphic novel” tee and a casual blue popper shirt.

Monday 25 April 2011

Style in the Store ~ Monday 25th April 2011 ~

My Mannequin #2

sat in the window is this lady. her jeans a new light sateen serena skinny jean paired with a peach puff-sleeved tee. overtop is a twisted back waistcoat. round her neck is a diamond cut scarf rounded her neck twice and then loose-ends draped back and front. Finally a clutch in hand.

My Mannequin #1

center of the store i suited her up in a three-quarter sweater and pleated short. a tied neck-scarf in the elizabeth taylor style knot. completed with a white bag slung over the shoulder.

hand-made gesture.

a young guy came in in grey jeans with rips, working boots, hoodie up and hat along with this jacket. the back was a self-design with patches of fabric sewn in the peace sign. fabulous!


Tracy came into the store wearing a mustard high waisted skirt tied with a white ribbon belt, a simple grey tank tucked in & a draping cardigan with knee high black boots.

How Old is Too Old?

When is old too old? That is the question that has been plaguing me for the last few days. But when is it too old for you to show your butt crack? Working in a Jean store I am always confronted with the issue especially when everyone is seeking “low-rise” jeans/ Sometimes you don’t mind to “bare it all”, but with these new styles you really do show everything you got! So when should one switch from low-rise to mid-rise?

I recently have found myself favouring the mid-rise cut swapping out low-rise for the latter. But now I come down to three pairs of low-rise I really like and whether to switch them for some higher rises and hide that butt! This question seems to be the swaying factor.

Stacy and Clinton had a “Too old to be wearing THAT!” Lady on the show a few weeks ago and they used the analogy BASE.

B ody Appropriate

A ge Appropriate

S ituation Appropriate

E xpense

So what do YOU think... How old is too old?

The Butt Crack Analogy can also be applied to the Visible Bra Dilemma. I fell in love with the lace-back top by The Classic (post "Oops I did it again"). They "Young Girls" in the store were chatting about what colour bra would be best underneath the top. The was the option of black, purple or red. I nodded in agreement as I plugged my pin into the interac machine. When I got back to my place the question returned: "How old is too old?" Should I be flashing my bra... at MY age?

Needless to say that day after my purchase I was in La Senza buying some cheap nude bras (in an awesome sale ~ buy one get one for $10) to wear under the top. The nude is literally invisible under the new top.

So I ask again... How old is too old?

B ody Appropriate

A ge Appropriate

S ituation Appropriate

E xpense

Style Guru: Candidate 1

Style is a mode of expressing thought or characteristics in language or look. Style is often mistakenly thought to be the newest trend or designer, but you don’t have to be head-to-toe in Chanel to be stylish. Style is individualization expressed in fabric. That is what makes fashion so universal. It’s different for everyone.

I find my own style highly fickle and I believe that is because I have a flip/flop personality... take that as you will! I am also a terrible copycat! I see a style I like and I steal it. So in “Style Guru” segments I am going to highlight someone who in my opinion has a perfect sense of their style.

My first candidate is MADDISON BUNNETT. A fashion marketing student at BC Art Institute in Vancouver and sales associate at Mavi jeans. Maddie’s signature is her black bowler hat and John Fluevog shoes <> Coco would be proud of Maddie’s colour palette which consists of mostly black or dark grey shades.

Now I hand over to Maddie herself: -

  • What influences your style?

Everything from friends, designers, bloggers, seasons.

  • Who do you look up to (fashion wise)?

Style by Kling.

  • Favorite Garment?

My black Mavi’s for a bottom, my Wilfred black blazer.

  • Favorite Accessory?

My black bowler of course! Second favorite would be my newly aquired monacle necklace or my black Marc by Marc Jacobs bag.

  • Favorite Designer?

Rick Genest for American.

Rad Houram for Canadian.

  • Favorite Bargain Store?


  • Favorite Store?

Vintage ~ The Patch.

Fast Fashion ~ H&M.

Dream ~ Holt Renfrew.

  • How did you find “you” in clothes?

My style is constantly changing with my moods, when I find something I like I just know!

  • What, for you is the biggest fashion no,no?

Ed Hardy, Uggs, Yoga pants outside of yoga!

  • What is one word or phrase sums up your style?

Goth! (joke).

Thursday 21 April 2011

Banana's For Bandana's

A Fabulous Friend emailed me on Friday giving me a fashion tip-bit. I LOVE fashion tip-bits... if you have one let me know and I will post it.

Any-who she emailed me to say that she thought a bandana in my hair would look cute. Well, I had a terrible bandana phase about a year ago when I had long hair and was trying to grow out my bangs. I was working at a Chapters store in Downtown Vancouver when I discovered some bandana/scarves in Coach. I became addicted. Bought one every two weeks for two months. Then I cut all my hair and since then I hadn’t worn them.

So this email reminded me of my collection and I hooked them out my closet... good job I did! Saturday came and... this is disgusting... I apologize... embarrassed to say this aloud... I opted for a twenty minute extra snooze instead of a shower! (blush, blush). I woke, like death and looked in the mirror... WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO WITH MY MOP?! Then I remembered...

BANDANA! I hooked my favorite one out and tied it in place. Why had I not done this before?! The bandana looked better on my pixie cut then my long hair. THANK YOU ROCHELE!

This is a fabulous tip-bit. This Summer turbans are making a big appearance in the fashion industry. I had been thinking about grabbing one after buying one for my Mum. I had my eye on a half-turban in a local boutique. Something was always holding me back when I went to make the final purchase... Would I wear it a lot? Will I look silly in Vancouver? But, these bandana’s solved my dilemma... They were perfect. Not as heavy in the Summer weather and bonus... I already owned some... PLUS they are a little less “unique” then a bandana on the streets of Yaletown!

So I owe a lot to my Fabulous Friend and her Fashion Tip-Bit! I haven’t had a day without a Bandana since! xoxo

Oops I Did It Again...

Oops... I did it again.

Walking past Beauty Mark I could not help but pop in. There was another Classic top. So cute.

This one is very like the others with gorgeous sequins and funky prints but what thrills me about this top is the back... ITS LACE!!

I am so psyched to wear this in the Summer with my cute Cargo shorts from Mavi Jeans!



For all you girls/women out there who actually own some junk in your trunk and a little extra “stuff” in your thighs this is for you.

Beauty Mark (yes I am obsessed with the place) has told me they are getting the exclusive on Spanx’s new LEGGINGS.


They are coming in in cotton and VANCOUVER has the exclusive sale.

This is huge! What is more impressive is that after the original selection of the leggings are sold there will not be a restock until August or September. SO GET IN GEAR.

There are advanced bookings on their website and Wednesday they are having a “GRAND OPENING” party and you can see samples of the product and again advance book your pair.

This is fantastic news... perfect for the Summer. Lift the butt and tighten the legs - perfect combo for a tiny tank on hot summer days.

If this is something you are interested in I again urge you to GET IN GEAR and advance book your pair.

Tarina Tarantino Cute and Trendy

A new store opened the other week in Yaletown. I was lucky to attend the opening. Hidden inside the small side mall on Mainland Street JennyFleurLove holds a mixture of designer clothing and Vintage designer bags and jewelry along with a vast selection of Toms shoes.

I love this store for the fact it stocks Whitney Eve which is hard to come-by in Vancouver. Also Tarina Tarantino jewelry which I adore. She mixes modern beads and gems with vintage or vintage-style stones. At the store opening I picked up a bracelet and I have NOT taken it off since. The vintage piece is a “Cameo” style design with flowers in white coming out of a black background. It is surrounded by large peachy-pink stones and small black ones in a diamond cut.

It is so cute. And with the summer fad of bracelet, upon bracelet, upon bracelet it is perfect. Using my Marc Jacobs white strapped watch, my Tarantino bracelet and a dangly “Audrey” bracelet from Coach 2009 I am following the trend in my own way!

Thanks Jennyfleurlove!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Two New Brands to Buy For!

Two new brands I have discovered in the last few days hanging around Yaletown, Vancouver.

The Classic from LA, now selling at Beauty Mark in Yaletown.

These are funky tanks and Tee's which hang baggy with funky trims. Covered in bl

ing and sparkle they have designs such as perfume, lipstick, owls, LOVE, funny faces... Something for everyone. Also, BARGIN at $27 and up.

Dear Faithful, now selling at Fine Finds in Yaletown.

These are pottery made earrings in various flower forms, from miniature studs in hot pink, to large vintage metal style "danglies" with blue rose centre pieces. What is the most awesome thing about

these pieces are they are ALL $20. BARGIN!

Go and Check Them Out!


Pure Cinematic genius. Trust me GO AND SEE IT!
If you liked "The September Issue"- This is better!

The Posh Gurl Begins

A good friend of mine asked why I didn’t blog anymore and I couldn’t think of an answer. I used the usual excuse of “not enough time”, but really it was a lack of inspiration. I was stuck in a rut with a no focus but how to make money and sustain a life with the lack of money!

But, today that changed. I went the to premiere screening of “Bill Cunningham New York” and suddenly I have vision. Bill Cunningham is a visionary. The premier street fashion photographer. Working for WWD, The New York Times, and Details. Seeing his life in photos and what drives his passion rekindled mine.

I love fashion. Clothes, shoes and bags. Not for “trend” sake but for beauty sake. If that makes any sense. I love things that make you unique or quirky. It is a cloak, a statement and an expression. My screensaver is Emma Watson, a friend mentioned how it could be seen as ‘stalkerish’. But its not HER its what’s ON her. Her wearing purple Hunters, mini-lycra shorts, and a large puffy jacket with a fluffy scarf. Cut her head off I don’t care but I want to see her clothes. I plaster my journals and notebooks with cuttings of fashion that have caught my eye. Layouts of outfits. I adore everything to do with couture, style, and looks.

SOOOO I was thinking... a Fashion Blog but focussing (like Mr. C) on the trends I see, and I see a lot working in a store in Yaletown.

So here goes... This is the start of THE POSH GURL”.