Monday 25 April 2011

Style Guru: Candidate 1

Style is a mode of expressing thought or characteristics in language or look. Style is often mistakenly thought to be the newest trend or designer, but you don’t have to be head-to-toe in Chanel to be stylish. Style is individualization expressed in fabric. That is what makes fashion so universal. It’s different for everyone.

I find my own style highly fickle and I believe that is because I have a flip/flop personality... take that as you will! I am also a terrible copycat! I see a style I like and I steal it. So in “Style Guru” segments I am going to highlight someone who in my opinion has a perfect sense of their style.

My first candidate is MADDISON BUNNETT. A fashion marketing student at BC Art Institute in Vancouver and sales associate at Mavi jeans. Maddie’s signature is her black bowler hat and John Fluevog shoes <> Coco would be proud of Maddie’s colour palette which consists of mostly black or dark grey shades.

Now I hand over to Maddie herself: -

  • What influences your style?

Everything from friends, designers, bloggers, seasons.

  • Who do you look up to (fashion wise)?

Style by Kling.

  • Favorite Garment?

My black Mavi’s for a bottom, my Wilfred black blazer.

  • Favorite Accessory?

My black bowler of course! Second favorite would be my newly aquired monacle necklace or my black Marc by Marc Jacobs bag.

  • Favorite Designer?

Rick Genest for American.

Rad Houram for Canadian.

  • Favorite Bargain Store?


  • Favorite Store?

Vintage ~ The Patch.

Fast Fashion ~ H&M.

Dream ~ Holt Renfrew.

  • How did you find “you” in clothes?

My style is constantly changing with my moods, when I find something I like I just know!

  • What, for you is the biggest fashion no,no?

Ed Hardy, Uggs, Yoga pants outside of yoga!

  • What is one word or phrase sums up your style?

Goth! (joke).

1 comment:

  1. MAJOR apologize to Maddie and those of you who notice that I spelt Maddie's last name wrong!! Sorry!
    MADDISON BUNNETT!! Style Guru!
