Saturday 30 April 2011

Letter from The Posh Gurl

Hey Everyone,

So as you can probably tell this is an emerging Blog. I really want it to become like an online magazine with daily columns and weekly articles which everyone can come to know and expect. As well as contain certain sporadic articles of trends or thoughts.

So far I am really loving writing the blog and I am having really positive feedback from people who I know personally and don’t!

I hope this continues on into the future.

What you can expect daily is the “Style in the Store”. I will also start a weekly “Style in the City” focussing on what I have seen around the city recently. Weekly there will continue to be the “Style Guru” and a new “Celebrity Style Guru” focusing on the fashion style of someone famous.

How you can help! If you want to be featured on the blog drop me a line on Twitter or Facebook. Or if you have any information on up and coming events also keep me posted.

Thanks everyone for reading!!

Stay Fashionable!

The Posh Gurl

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