Monday 26 March 2012

The Book Review ~ Something Blue

Completed: - 25th March 2012

Rating: - 3/5

“Something Blue” by Emily Giffin

After finishing up “Something Borrowed” it only seemed natural to read the sequal.

What a difference a sequal makes! This was a great read.

I had flu with a high fever and this book saw me through.

It was thoroughly entertaining.

What was really surprising about this book I HATED Darcy for the first half of this book and as her character changed so did my opinion of her until I was backing her the entire way.

I am in awe of how Giffin managed to change a character from someone completely despised to someone loved.

Two thumbs up!

Friday 23 March 2012

Welcome to BA

Welcome to British Airways

If you hadn’t guessed I got the job!! YEAH!!

I get my uniform on Friday... expect the post soon!!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Spring Cleaning ~ The Workout!

Last week my little neice put her nose into my tummy for what I thought was a cuddle, instead she chowed down on my flubber! A nice set of mini-teeth marks on my flab! Great!

It was a wake-up call... PoshGurl you need to TONE IT UP!

So after procrastinating for a few days I started a regime today. I love being outside, and I used to be a good cross-country runner so I figured to get my cardio-vascular upped I would do a jogging program.

Although I have thrown myself into running (and severely hurt myself) THIS TIME I researched read and found a decent workout that worked.

So for the next TWO WEEKS this is what I will be doing: -

5 minute slow walking warm up and stretch...

for me that is walking down the steps to the beach (8 minutes).

3 Sessions of walking for six minutes, jogging for one...

along the water front one is easily distracted.

10 minute slow walking cool down...

for me it is walking back across the beach to the steps, up them and home (12 minutes).

Home to a HOT SHOWER!

It felt great but my muscles right now are starting to ache. I can hear them saying “What the HECK was that!” But I will NOT be put off!

I will take a leaf out of my Icons Book: -

Monday 19 March 2012

The Book Review ~ Something Borrowed

Completed: - 18th March 2012

Rating: - 2/5

“Something Borrowed” by Emily Giffin

Once in a while I need a sorbet to clear my reading pallet.

For me it is chic lit that provides that cleansing! I read Griffin’s novel, “Love the One your With” a few months ago and I enjoyed it. She is not Sophie Kinsella, or Gemma Townley but she’s OK.

The reason I chose to read “Something Borrowed” was mainly the film. I saw it a few days ago and LOVED it!

(Probably because Ginnifer Goodwin is my ultimate!)

Anyway the book was a quick read but pretty uneventful.

I don’t think I have ever read a book and loved a film more, but that is the case here. The book was OK but I found it really hard to like Rachel which effects the whole story. The book makes her whiney and a little pathetic.

Also things that made the film so good were not in the book which was depressing. Although there were good bits this was a bit of a let down. However, the reading was easy and simple ~ good for a quick and entertaining read.

I still prefer Lauren Weisenberger, or Kathleen Tessaro.

Saturday 17 March 2012

The Queen of My Heart!!!!

How much do I love Kate Middleton/ The Duchess of Cambridge?


Keep your ears open people, the Duchess will give her FIRST EVER public address on

Monday 19th March 2012!!

The question on everyones lips... What Will She Wear?!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Summer Styling ~ The Look I Wish I Could Do

I am seeing this style EVERYWHERE, and I LOVE it.

But, something tells me I just can’t pull it off... no matter how much I love it.

Highlighting (quite literally) my butt and thighs would not flatter.

Women who can pull this off I say DO IT!

This look is totally gorgeous!

Saturday 10 March 2012

The Book Review ~ The Mistress of Nothing

Completed: - 9th March 2012

Rating: - 5/5

“The Mistress of Nothing” by Kate Pullinger

Once again a book that completely thrilled me and I consumed it!

This book I bought a while ago when it won the 2009 Governor General Award and it has taken me till now to read it. I was a numpty for not getting to it quicker.

I L*O*V*E*D it!

Sally is the most loveable character who pulls you straight into the story and has you sided with her from page one. Lady Duff-Gordon... errrrr! I have never hated someone as much as I hated her!!

This was writing that really moved me and let me feel everything!

I laughed, cried, screamed in annoyance and fell in love within the pages of this book.

By the end I was taking the book everywhere trying to grab a quick page or two!

A fabulous book. AND the writing style is FLAWLESS!


Wednesday 7 March 2012

I'm Sexy and I Know It!

What does it mean to be sexy? Is it out of bounds or an extent of femininity?

Today “Sucker Punch” was on TV and I was sucked into watching three sexy women run around scantily clad fighting fantasy demon stuff. I was embarrassed by the fact I was enjoying watching it. Mostly by the fact part of my brain was telling me it was a victimization of women, making them “sexy”. But, I have to admit I found it empowering.

Isn’t sexuality part of being a woman? I love watching Victoria Secret shows. Women are beautiful! I mean really beautiful. Our bodies, our spirits. We are sexy... no matter what we do or look like. Sucker Punch made me feel that. Its about time we embraced our sexuality and stop thinking that it goes against ‘feminism’.

I feel that making our bodies too skinny, wearing boyfriend jeans and adrogenous clothing is our attempt at keeping within the radical feminism mindset. Goodness knows we don’t want to go back to sufrage but part of me feels we are going too far. We CAN be sexy! And it isn’t a bad thing.

Women can be sexy and powerful. We don’t all have to be victims to men because we dress to appeal to them. I love the independence that females have in our society. But, what I love is BEING FEMALE.period. And I think flaunting it is a simple extension of being female and loving it!!

America’s Next Top Model this season has two plus sizes. One being Louise, she is simply beauty embody but her sexiness makes her strong. I would NOT cross her. She is hard core! But she is sexy and flaunts it...

So being female... its about being sexy. Let’s stop this brainlink of sexy going against modern female rulings. You can be sexy and a radical feminist!!

So what IS sexy?

... That is the BEST BIT... You Decide! And, I say if you’ve got it flaunt it!!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Summer Styling

It is March, there are giant cupcakes in the windows of Louis Vuitton, and the sun is shining. Sure, there is still snow on the ground. BUT ThePoshGurl is thinking of Spring!

Dainty. Sweet... Summery!

For me the collections and catalogues of this season are painting a pretty picture for 2012 Spring/Summer. Pretty in pastals, pretty in accessories and pretty in shape.

I adore the looks coming from Louis Vuitton & Mulberry!

Everything about the flowing, girly, feminine colours and looks are appealing to me.

Elizabeth Olsen, Olivia Palermo, Ginnifer Goodwin.

I want to feel my clothes embody a traditional summer: - The Hamptons!

Something breezy and beautiful.

There is one item that I feel is a must have this Summer.

It is the espadrilles from the Sweet Candy collection at Louis Vuitton.

Friday 2 March 2012

The Book Review ~ The Midwife of Venice

Completed: - 1st March 2012

Rating:- 4/5

“The Midwife of Venice” by Roberta Rich

This story was so compelling I just couldn’t put it down. I L*O*V*E*D it!

The characters are so believable and loveable as is the setting.

I did favour Hannah’s narratives I would skip over Issac’s so I could continue on Hannah’s journey before returning to his.

It was a real page turner.

The reason I am only giving it 4/5 is the writing.

Although the storyline is compelling the style leaves a little to be desired. As does the plotline. This could have been written in a clearer way and the plot spread out instead of a lot happening all at once.

The writing could also do with a little more tweaking to make it flow better.

BUT, all that is pretty much invisible when you are reading because you just wanna know what is going to happen!!

Thumbs well up for this one!