Saturday 10 March 2012

The Book Review ~ The Mistress of Nothing

Completed: - 9th March 2012

Rating: - 5/5

“The Mistress of Nothing” by Kate Pullinger

Once again a book that completely thrilled me and I consumed it!

This book I bought a while ago when it won the 2009 Governor General Award and it has taken me till now to read it. I was a numpty for not getting to it quicker.

I L*O*V*E*D it!

Sally is the most loveable character who pulls you straight into the story and has you sided with her from page one. Lady Duff-Gordon... errrrr! I have never hated someone as much as I hated her!!

This was writing that really moved me and let me feel everything!

I laughed, cried, screamed in annoyance and fell in love within the pages of this book.

By the end I was taking the book everywhere trying to grab a quick page or two!

A fabulous book. AND the writing style is FLAWLESS!


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