Sunday 23 September 2012

Officially an Oxford Student!

I am here its official! 

After an amazing flight in Club World on BA; watching two RomComs and blissfully falling into a champagne coma I found my way through Heathrow and to the bus stop. The coach was unbelievably fast, and I was surprised how foreign everything looked... yeah its been 9 years but still... everything was so different and I appreciated the flatness more. Arriving in Oxford was great and I managed to struggle with my three suitcases, a duffel bag, an over packed handbag and a cornet to a cab and head all of two minutes away Rewley house. I got a room on the top floor over looking a little square. It is cute and cozy and I LOVE IT. 

I spent yesterday afternoon wondering the streets of Oxford revelling in the sounds of bells, before buying a Starbucks (Big Mistakes the Brits can’t make Starbucks) and an M&S dinner and heading back home. Watching Jonathan Ross and eating pasta salad with my fingers (as I couldn’t find where I packed my cutlery) just added to the joy of the day. 

Today was the orientation day of class, and what a perfect day! It was pouring with rain and freezing cold... the perfect day to study!
The course has 30 people split into two groups. I am in the red group. It is so diverse with people from Hawaii, Peru, Afghanistan, Romania and of course a Canadian!! Also all ages from 23 right up to 50. Breakfast was overwhelming as was the first course but, once the group split things became more comfortable. The first exercise was to interview a partner and write paragraph introducing them as if they were a character in a novel! I was in HEAVEN! 

During the free period in the afternoon I walked in the rain around to Somerville and had a peak in... AHH! SO EXCITED! But that is to be continued. 

Then this evening we heading to The Inklings local haunt... The Eagle and the Child and over a pint of Pride of Oxford everyone read a section from an admired work. I chose Part 1 of “The Lady of Shalott” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. I didn’t stay too late as jet lag was exhausting me! 
I got back in time for a quick skype with Poppy and now bed.

The food here is pretty nuts too... (as a side note). We get a buffet breakfast @ 8, then a coffee break @ 11, then lunch (three course) @ 1, then tea break @ 4, then dinner (three course) @ 7!! I feel like a hobbit in “The Lord of the Rings”. Anyway I found this was something to share too!!

As for me... I miss Vancouver like crazy. I love my city so much BUT I am not homesick, or nostalgic. I am so happy to be here and so excited to call it home for two years!

Time for sleep!
Night Night


  1. I am going to live vicariously through you for the next two years! The architecture looks so inspiring.(can you sign your blog up to bloglovin so I can follow you and then if you have a split second check out my site at

