Friday 14 September 2012

The Book Review ~ Catch Up (30 - 34)

Read: - 5th June 2012
Rating: - 1/5

“The Uninvited Guests” By Sadie Jones

I was so upset about this book. Sadie jones had thrilled me with her first two books but, this one was absolutely awful! The story-line was weak, the characters cliche. It was a book form of “The Others” but wasn’t as good. Also WHO IS HER EDITOR, there were spelling errors, grammar mistakes and typos. 
Bad really Bad!

Read: - 30th June 2012
Rating: - 2/5

“The Reinvention of Love” By Helen Humphreys

This started out a really interesting book but became average. The third section seemed to revive the dull middle but, it just didn’t keep me captivated. I felt nothing for the characters. The part I did love with Dede was far too short. Adele’s segments were great but, again few and far between. 
Overall it just needed more oomph!

Read: - 12th July 2012
Rating: - 4/5

“The Memoirs of Helen of Troy” By Amanda Elyot

Historical fiction at its best. Finally I book I want to read over and over again! This book throws fact, fiction and myth into a giant bowl and makes the most delicious soup!! The narrative voice of Helen is realistic, and you cannot help but feel like she is telling the story to me out-loud. 

Read: - 27th July 2012
Rating: - 3/5

“C’est La Vie” By Suzy Gershman

I really enjoyed reading this book. I came out feeling I had learnt a lot from it. The French rules of housing and leasing are so strange!! It took me a couple of reads to become hooked but once I fell for the narrator, who is so compelling I was completely addicted. 
It really made me want to live in Paris for a year. 

Read: - 14th September 2012
Rating: - 3/5

“Gold” By Chris Cleeve

I felt a bit like a cow chewing cud with this book - it took me a long time to get through. The beginning lacked any conviction. I didn’t feel for any characters until about 130 pages in I really emerged myself into the story and could not put it down. But those first 130 pages are really brutal!
I loved how it really opens up the lifestyle of an Olympian, especially a cyclist and it was enthralling to read... once you got past the first 130 pages!!

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