Wednesday 12 September 2012

This is it...

I cannot believe the last few months. I have worked non-stop, packed non-stop, moved house and now... I am leaving. 
My feet have not touched the ground since LA back in April. My life has seemed like a dream... an unbelievably wonderful dream... can this really be just the beginning?

I have been really awful with my blogging. Something I apologize for. There was a blip of a boyfriend (won’t go there), and then the working everyday (exhausting) and the moving of house (verge of a burnout)! 
But now the adventure begins... OXFORD! I am mere days away. I am so unprepared but so excited. 

I promise to come back to being the loyal PoshGurl and blog properly again... I will probably have a lot to say. 

Until tomorrow... Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read about all of your future adventures!!!!
