Sunday 22 February 2015

Fitness Fashion

So with all the fitness talk and advice I thought it was about time I went through my fitness wardrobe. This is a constant talking/laughing point of TidyBoy who found it hilarious that before I even became fully nuts about fitness I had already kitted myself out with the full fitness wardrobe. 

So what is my go to? 

Well, I am a Vancouverite so I guess no one is going to be surprised by my obsession with Lululemon! The ultimate gear for working out. I absolutely love this stuff. From the Tata Tamer sports bra to the cropped pants, running top and zippy I am all over my beloved Lulu! With such a range of products you can pick exactly what you need for each sport whether it be yoga, gym work or running.

When it comes to swimming there are two lines I go to depending on how intense the workout is. If the gym is busy I will choose to cool down in the pool then Victoria Secret is the way to go. The material is really comfortable, flexible and great for an easy cool down workout. 

However, when I am doing a swimming workout then Victoria Secret doesn't quite make the mark. It slips and slides on an aggressive workout so I choose to wear a Speedo suit (with matching goggles of course). Their stuff is fully designed for a high speed swimming workout and so is the much better choice. 

Finally when it comes to cycling I go to and my favourite brand dhb. The jerseys are really fun and come in a variety of styles and colours. The leggings are mostly formal. I use the flashlight model which gives extra reflection at night. I also have dhb gloves and a head scarf! 

To top off my cycling collection is my helmet which is a Bern. 

Finally I have more recently used Christmas vouchers to buy a Marks and Spencers fitness top which is a great fit but not so chic as Lulu - but it does the job. It is great when I do weights as there are a few less cleavage issues with this one. 

I have recently ordered new cycling gear (as I have been using TidyBoys up until now) so as soon as they arrive I will get some shots and post!

If anyone else has some fit brands they can recommend please let me know!

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