Sunday 15 February 2015

My life with UP

I do have a slight obsession with gadgets and now this obsession has reached the max with my latest edition The Jawbone Up 24. 

This is the best gadget I have ever bought. It is better than the reviews make out. I don't want to over exaggerate or become a bit mushy but it has quite literally changed my life!

There are vibrating reminders that tell you to take you're morning vitamins and when to get ready for bed. There is the pedometer that keeps you updated on how close to your goal you are. There are the "I'm in" challenges that make you work that little bit harder to reach your goal. I am someone who loves a challenge and reward scheme and the I'm in's are a great motivation! 

Then there are the literal benefits on the band. The sleep monitoring which tell you how good you are sleeping and how much sleep you are getting. The alarm is also amazing for me - it wakes you up at the opportune time and so far it has completely changed my morning routine. It is incredible. 
There is also the fantastic food monitoring that syncs with myfitnesspal - it marks your food out of /10 after every meals and tells you whether the meal was a benefit or not. It also measures the nutrition in each meal as well. This works really well for me as it makes me work for a higher score each day!
Finally there is the pedometer and idleness marker which reminds you when you are being idle. This works fantastically for my work where I can be behind the desk for hours on end. 

I love this thing! It is worth every penny of its £99.99. 

The Big Shake Up!

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