Sunday 1 February 2015

The Theatre Review ~ The Woman in Black

Rating: 4/5

What a show! TidyBoy and I have a strange obsession with The Woman in Black - perhaps it was the first scary movie we watched together? ... I don't know what it is, but we love it. We have seen the first movie a million times, I have read the book (and written a paper on it)! We went a few weeks ago to see the second movie which was pretty good as far as sequels go!

Any who going back to the show. We really didn't know what to expect. I definitely did not expect a show about putting on a show. Beyond that I really really did not expect a two man show! It was mesmerising. The lead character was incredible. 

The opening was a really great trick getting the guy to speak badly — it really made the audience pay attention! They had to listen from the get go! Then it really got swinging. I adored the woman who really is terrifying... granted not as scary as the movie but lets face it-it's the theatre you cannot cover those stunts etc. 

That rocking chair is still the most chilling thing ever! 

It really is a spectacle not to be missed. 

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