Saturday 23 September 2017

Teacher Transitions

I have always struggled with maintaining the "writing zone".  One of my major issues this year has been with keeping myself writing. I have an amazing few days and then I take a day off, and another and then its been like a month since I wrote anything at all! Focus is really not one of my strong suites. My 'day job' has always been something I blamed for breaking the 'flow'. The popular excuse, "Well I did a full day's work today so I'll stick Peaky Blinders on instead!" But there is a direct correlation between the days I don't write anything and the days I spend twice as long getting a few hundred words down. 

The mindset to change this was one of those ridiculously simple ideas that was extremely difficult to implement BUT this weekend was the first successful execution of it. 
I was Gollum... yes you heard me GOLLUM!

Get the picture... I really was talking about the character from Tolkien's books. So what do I mean? 
I mean to get two-faced... sort of...two separate entities living in one body! The Teacher Hannah (Gollum) and the Writer Hannah (Smeagol)! 
When one checks out of work the other one must kick in. 

Now for the hard part... I need to figure out some triggers. Yesterday it was a sweatpants and a cup of sweet tea that brought the words.  Today it was after a hot bath I managed to get a few hundred words completed! 

I am excited to see what happens if I keep this #100daysofWriting as CONTINUOUS days - will the struggle to fill the blank page after a weekend away disappear? Will I finish the book twice as fast?
Let's see shall we?

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