Monday 18 September 2017

"You do come across as somewhat... crazy!"

TidyBoy and I are well accustomed to living in Vancouver, BC where buying a house is not an option, and renting is something to stress out about. 
We believe that, (although unfair) we have no right to moan about the situation because... well look at Vancouver... its amazing and we are just lucky enough to be here! 

That aside I am a terrible Craigslist procrastinator. Today for example I wrote 1,243 words and then went onto craigslist for basically an hour and a half looking through properties...oops! 

The above quote comes from my husband, who after finding an amazing listing that had to be enquired about saw me writing a second email to the advert... 
The conversation started with a "I thought you did that already!" and I admitted, in my excitement I hadn't put anything about ourselves, (which the ad asked for). TidyBoy that stood and observed me for a moment before saying, "You have to be careful about these things. At the best of times you come across as somewhat...crazy! The rest of the time you literally are crazy... especially when excited!" 

I am really not offended by what he said. Frankly because it is true! But, when does it become a hinderance? Will these people ever email me back? Only time will tell, but was my overexcitement to blame? Perhaps. 

The bigger question here is: is being someone with a slight exaggeration of the excitement emotion a danger to themselves? Is it a problem being over-excited or is it just endearing? 

Anyway... this was my allowed 'writing' procrastination I will get back to my novel now! 

Day 6 of 100 Days of Writing 
(I was allowed to move the start day back due to my increase in writing at the beginning of last week!)

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