Friday 20 October 2017

Accidental AMAZING Day!

Have you ever had a day that everything just slots perfectly into place and its amazing? Today was that day! 

It began with a parking spot... if anyone has been to Granville Island in Vancouver then you will know parking is a nightmare. Now imagine a Writers Festival where there are multiple sold out events added onto the normal traffic. Everyone was circling! I went to my normal parking lot and it looked full, until I found a tiny, weeny spot hidden behind an SUV! (Wow 1) 

I ran to the venue where two of my favourite authors were reading. I could not get a ticket but I joined the line of people waiting and hoping! At five minutes past the event's scheduled start we were all given seats!! (Wow 2) 
The talk itself was incredible. Sarah Dunant was the most inspiring person to listen too. Such advice and insight. Jennifer Robson was so interesting and funny! It was a great few hours. 

As everyone was leaving I got up the courage and leaped onto the stage to talk to the MC,  I don't want to talk about what happened next yet but... Wow 3 took place. 

I next went into the foyer to get my books signed, and I started by talking to Jennifer Robson, (mum's favourite author also). I mentioned what my mum was currently going through and how books were helping her 'battle the beast'! She instantly grabbed a business card and told me to send her my mums details as she wanted to send her a box of books! (Wow 4)

I moved along to Sarah Dunant... who recognised me from my question I had asked earlier. She then asked me about my book and we had an amazing conversation... my hero and I... just chatting! It was an amazing experience. (Wow 5)

I got back to my car to find a ticket. I had parked 'out of the lines'. When I had originally parked I had not even seen the lines as they were under the car next to mine (who also had a ticket). I was so in awe with what had happened in the venue I didn't really care about the ticket. I did think it was slightly unfair, so when I got to work early I called the dispute line. The ticket was cancelled... when does that ever happen? (Wow 6). 

I proceeded to my afternoon class and BOOM, everyone knew their lines, song lyrics and dances! It was amazing! The students were perfect... perfect pre-schoolers that is an oxymoron almost (Wow 7)! 

Are you getting the picture? A completely accidental day that led to such wonders.... NUTS! 

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