Sunday 22 October 2017

My Writers Fest

This week has been completely awesome. I have had such an unbelievably eye opening experience. Over the week I  have attended 8 events of all different genres, and I have bought countless books and gotten them all signed! Every minute has brought new insights and a new sense of excitement at this amazing literary world. My husband said earlier, "every night, after these events she's like a six year old whose just drunk a bottle of pop!" This was the world I set out to find at Oxford, and although the experience there was amazing and I learnt so much, (and found a husband) I lost the passion I once had for books, storytelling and the journey imaginations can take you on. This week has reopened my eyes, re-birthed my passion for the world of literature as it were. It is something I had lost and was worried I would not find again. I though perhaps all the critical analysis had killed the part of me that so enjoyed breaking open a new book, or discovering a new author, and just being in that moment with them. 

Listening to the likes of Sarah Dunant, someone who is so immersed in her world you cannot help but be sucked into her imagination as she reads, and discusses her characters. (I could literally sit and listen to her talk all day). Laughing out loud at people's views of sex and love in our social media society with Karen Connolly and Tom Perrotta on Monday literally had me in stitches. The journey to the North with Ed O'Loughlin and his fellow panelist gave me a new area to explore in my imagination, one I had never really considered before. These are just a few of the events that have held me enthralled this week. Of course, this evening could be the most eye opening of all as I hear the legend that is Margaret Atwood speak. 

Literature is just such an amazing place to be. I wish I could read all day everyday and never encounter reality. It is so nice to be back in that mind-set. It was one I grew up in and lost somewhere along my route to academia. This week and this festival has brought it back to me. 

Thank you Vancouver Writer's Festival for bringing such an amazing lineup of speakers to the city!

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