Monday 2 October 2017

Stellar Line... Stellar Design!

I am very aware of the disgusting things humans do to animals. I was recently at a race course (not to watch horse racing but for another event (its a long story)) and I ended up witnessing a beautiful young horse fall down dead from a heart attack. Instead of the jockey bending to aid his horse he had a temper tantrum at its death! Humans, in the mass sense are so 'up themselves' they think they have the right to dominate all species. Everyone has seen those hideous videos of people with wild animals kept in houses or large estates as play things, or the gorgeous videos of "hunters" massacring wildlife for sport... it makes me sick, but everyone contributes one way or another. I have tried to be a vegan... the diet almost killed my husband. So we decided instead to be a more conscious household. When we eat meat, (which is rarely and usually only my husband eats it) we go to a sustainable, organic butcher not the supermarket. We only buy cleaning products that are cruelty free and natural. For myself, finding makeup and hygiene products that are in the least cruelty free and at most vegan is something I strive for. 

When Nars Cosmetics recently announced that they were going to begin selling in China I was devastated! I have particularly sensitive skin that reacts to... well everything! Learning that my go to cosmetic company was giving up on its ethics in the name of profit was sickening. Luckily over the last six months I have been wearing less and less makeup. Now my go-to-face contains only four products: blush, eyebrow pencil, mascara and lipstick (hormonal times I add concealer to this list). I was comforted by the fact I had a few things left and could spend my time researching what I would replace Nars with.

I wanted something first and foremost, CRUELTY FREE! I don't just mean "final product not tested on animals" but a promise of Cruelty Free. If at all possible I wanted VEGAN. I wanted PARABEN FREE. Also my patriotism is lacking in my makeup bag so... I wanted Canadian! Searching online there was a number of brands I had tried on the vegan front that had not agreed with my skin. Then I found STELLAR. It ticked all my boxes, was available in Vancouver in a store (as apposed to online) and was affordable! 

Today was the day my mascara ran out. I checked Sephora online and found that the Robson Street location had the mascara. This is where things get a little crazy!

I found the Stellar section and grabbed my mascara when a man said, "are you buying that?" I was a little bit confused but spoke in the affirmative. He then said,"I will buy you anything from this range if you buy it!" 😕 I said no that it was OK. I think he realised then I was completely freaked out! He said, "it's OK she's my wife!" And it all made sense. 

We started talking and he asked me how I knew about the products etc, and I said how I loved the fact the whole collection is vegan and doesn't have anything nasty (parabens) in it. He sent the message to Monika Deol... (the Monika Deol... VJ on Much Music and Stellar creator)! He then proceeded to ask me to 'pick a product'! In the end I asked him to pick for me and he selected the lip powder which I am so excited to try! The colours are gorgeous! 

Originally I was sold on the Vegan side of the line. Then I read an article in the newspaper on her products where she answered a question on why they are made in Canada. She said, "It’s important to me because I love this country. It has given my family a life. It’s given me a life I could never have dreamed of anywhere else. I sincerely believe that. To be able to have an all-Canadian product, from manufacturing to branding to photography to models. To be able to create jobs and contribute to the economy. How is it not important? When you manufacture in Canada, the world knows that you have a quality product that will pass all regulators, because Canada has such high standards." BOOM! My sentiments for this amazing country entirely! I was convinced to try it. 
Now I have had this experience! If I needed any other proof to buy from this line I found it. 

I will be telling everyone I know... starting right here to give this brand a try! DO IT! The ethics and heart of the company are in the right place. I, for one hope they are successful on the 'world cosmetic stage' but for now they have a loyal customer in me. 

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