Wednesday 22 June 2011

Celebrity Style Guru: Candidate 7

Once again she is thrilling my Summer Evening Fashion Appetite as another season of “So You Think You Can Dance” takes to the screen.


is our Celebrity Fashion Guru Candidate 7

Born 23 Octorber 1976, Catherine Elizabeth Deeley she changed her name after signing a modeling contract under her nickname of Cat to make it easier for clients to re-book her.

Cat was 14 when she entered a regional edition of a BBC competition for The Clothes Show in which she reached the national finals before being signed by Storm Modeling Agency.

Cat was 14 when she entered a regional edition of a BBC competition for The Clothes Show in which she reached the national finals before being signed by Storm Modeling Agency.

After working from 1998-2002 as a co-host of children’s series SMTV Live with Ant and Dec (I used to watch her religiously week-after-week)! She then moved onto my old favourite TV show Stars in Their Eyes and Fame Academy from 2004-2006.

That is when she became a fashion icon facing the new and FABULOUS show “So You Think You Can Dance” in 2006 till present! Whilst being the face of Pantene in the UK!

From 2001 to 2006, she was married to advertising executive Mark Whelan. But, found true love marrying actor Jack Huston in 2007. She gave birth to her first daughter, Emma, in August 2008.

On being scrutinized in fashion magazines:

I have a stylist who brings things in for me, but it comes down to what mood I’m in. Sometimes I have days when I feel I can wear anything and others when I just want jeans and a T-shirt. I love because I can get all my British fashion designers such as Christopher Bailey, for Burberry, and Matthew Williamson delivered to my door in LA. If people say they don’t like what I’m wearing in magazines, that’s fair enough. I really don’t care.

“It would be a duller place without my ridiculous outfits once a week.”

On her worst outfit:

“When I was 14, I had a pair of maternity dungarees that I wore with an acid-print top with a perm and a monobrow. That will put you off your dinner tonight.”

As for her flawless 5ft11 figure:

“I try to do yoga three times a week and eat healthily - although nothing is off limits and I drink lots of water.”

On styling herself:

“Yeah, totally. People either love it or hate it, but they have an opinion about it. Nobody has turned around and gone, “Oh no. Can you do that instead?” or, “Can you say this in this way?” I think they all think that I’m this bonkers English eccentric, and they like seeing what I’m going to do or say or wear next.”

On her most expensive outfit:

“An Alexander McQueen couture dress. It’s the first piece of couture I’ve ever bought. I got it four months ago in New York. There are only two in the world. It’s exquisitely beautiful and has a huge train. It looks like it’s made out of tea-stained tulle. It’s gorgeous and I cried like a big loser when I saw it. I don’t know where, or if, I’ll ever wear it. I’ve worn it in my bathroom and put Pavarotti on the stereo and twirled around but that’s it.”

[how much it cost]

“I’m not telling you that! You could have bought a car for what it cost though. Not a fabulous car, maybe a Mini Metro with a bit of rust on it.”

On her most daring outfit:

“There are all different ones. For the finale of So You Think You Can Dance I wore a backless-Gucci-minidress- beaded-sequinned-leopard-print affair, which doesn’t sound too good but was actually really beautiful”

Want more Cat Deeley Style?

Watch “So You Think You Can Dance”

Wednesday & Thursday Nights throughout the Summer

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