Sunday 7 August 2011

The Book Review ~ Bride of New France

The Ninth Book Review is on...

BRIDE OF THE NEW FRANCE by Suzanne Desrochers

“Bride of the new France” by Suzanne Desrochers takes a truthful delve into the ugly side of Canada in its primal form. Following the life of Laure, who the reader cannot help but love. Her innocent naivete as she searches for justice in a ruthless Paris and for that is banished to the cold north to fulfill her “duty” as a woman in the new France.

The picture Desrochers paint is fearful, it is gritty, it is bitter and it is STUNNING. There is something in her writing that is enveloping. You devour the words however hideous and obscene the picture she paints. But, it is not just the descriptions the characters, even the tiniest role that appear really quickly are so full. You remember their names, their characteristics and the parts they play because each one is so uniquely created!

But this isn’t just an adventure to the Great White North it is a story of forbidden love between savage and French Woman. Their love is raw and innocent, and the story of their love will leave you with tears streaming down your face.

ThePoshGurl Rating:

5 JimmyChoos out of 5

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