Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Book Review ~ Touch

The Eighth Book Review is on...

TOUCH by Alexi Zentner

“Touch” by Alexi Zenter is a breathtaking adventure diving into the depths of pioneer Canada. There is nothing left untouched: the cold, the desolation, the tragedy and the myths. Zenter wraps everything of this primitive landscape into the lives of Stephen, our narrator. At the deathbed of his mother Stephen looks back over his life at Sawgamet through the stories he has heard from his father and grandfather.

The stories are unique and fully descriptive leaving nothing to the imagination. You can feel absolutely everything the narrators are telling you. Zenter is a true storyteller. His narration manages to keep the tradition of oral storytelling alive and relevant. His style also makes it impossible for you to put the book down.

As for the characters, Stephen is a truly gorgeous character full of innocence and hope. You cannot help but hope for the best for him. The same goes for his father and grandfather they are full 3D characters that a reader cannot help but absorb!

There is also the use of aboriginal myths. It is easy to see that someone could run themselves mad in these conditions. However, the subtly that Zenter enters these ideas into the story makes them real, and for a majority of the book had me believing as well!

However, this ends in the last section of the novel where these myths really distract from the story when a monster is seen in the woods. It is poorly described and as a reader really loving this book it completely pulled me out of the story and ruined the ending for me.

BUT altogether, I love this book!

ThePoshGurl Rating:

4 JimmyChoos out of 5

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