Friday 5 August 2011

The Posh Gurl Speaks

Dear Readers,

I am writing to apologize for my sporadical writing. I have had a lot going on in the last few weeks.

Poppy was christened, my Mum finished her cancer treatment, signing up for school, I had my last shift at Mavi and now I am 10 days away from moving to Crescent Beach!

Yes I am moving which means finding a new part time job, a new vet, Doctor, Dentist and YES... NEW ROOM!

I am very excited to be moving into the basement of my sisters house, five minutes from the beach! as I finish up my Associate Degree! It does mean that my next few posts will be sparse and they might turn slightly interior design too...

But never fear I will be back... as will my fashion-ology!

Goodnight and Much Love


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