Sunday 12 February 2012

I'm Cleaning Out My Closet!

One of my favourite things is cleaning, initially I hate it but the feeling when its done is an unbelievable thing, satisfaction, purity... It is better than a massage! It is reading week for me this week which means no uni. So ontop of the crazy amount of assignments and midterm prep I was also planning a “Spring Clean Extravaganza”, so I was really excited to see an article in this months Elle Canada telling you the best spring cleaning methods... not only for your place but for your electronic profiles and brain!

In my excitement I thought I could share them with you!

  • Declutter
  • Tidy your online image
  • Step away from the App ~ go retro and use a day planner!
  • Embrace Flower Power ~ Harvard recently released a study that showed if you spend a small amount of time looking at flowers in the morning you will have a more positive attitude for the rest of the day!!
  • Bag It ~ aka take a more green approach to shopping

  • Brighten Up Your Closet
  • The Velvet-Rope Wardrobe ~ Be harsh when picking what to keep and what to chuck keep only the best of the best!
  • The Post Breakup Release ~ Anything Ex get rid of it and move on...
  • The Cosmetic Shelf Clear Out
  • Spot-Clean Your Skin ~ Splash out on a good facial and then a new nightly cleansing routine.
  • Stash It Away ~ can’t bare to part with something then put it in a box and store it in an ORGANISED way!
  • Dress Simply ~ A Classic Silhoutte will always be the way to go.
  • Sweep Away the Debt
    • Take the Credit Cards OUT of your purse then clear the bill!
    • Simplify Savings
    • Don’t get emotional... money is just money!
  • Purge Your Purse
  • Wear with Ease ~ Fashion doesn’t end at your front door. Splurge on some “around the house” clothing that you can be seen in!
  • Meditate On It
  • Go Shoeless?? ~ I am a bit iffy on this one! But check out for yourself!
  • Set Aside 40 Minutes ~ you don’t need a gym membership ... 30 minutes run, walk or swim is just as good as a vigurous fitness regime!
  • Take It Off ~ Wreck Beach for yoga anyone??
  • Be Conscientious
  • Divvy up the Chores
  • Inhale a Snack ~ LOVE THIS take a look at Le Whif’s cylinder devices!!
  • De-Clutter Your Wallet
  • Take a Deep Breath
  • Get Away

What will you start with first??

I think I will be decluttering online, then move to the closet, then the storage, finishing up with the meditation!

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