Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Book Review: The Beauty Chorus

I know this is a fashion blog but for ThePoshGurl no outfit is complete without a good novel! In fact (besides evening bags) when I go handbag shopping I take my copy of Anna Karenina (aka my fattest novel) to make sure it will fit. If you peruse ThePoshGurl’s purse there will ALWAYS be a novel within.

What this means for my blog is that I will be writing book reviews. The first is on

“THE BEAUTY CHORUS” by Kate Lord Brown

I recently finished this period novel after only five days of reading. It was all consuming, a true-page turner! It follows three ATA girls during WWII. Evie, Stella and Megan each from completely different backgrounds thrown into life or death situations are forced to find their true selves in the turmoil of war.

Evie comes from a highly wealthy background, driving through the London streets in her Aston Martin! She sacrifices her lifestyle to escape not only an evil stepmother but to prove herself as an independent woman.

Stella has fled a failing marriage and post-partum depression to help the cause. As she falls in love with a man of the cloth she finds her past rising up and plaguing any possible happiness she has finally found.

Finally Megan, a welsh country-girl leaves her first love and beloved farm to join the cause after losing her brother only a few weeks before. At nineteen she is the youngest of the girls and has the most to find... and lose.

Evie heads the story as the relationships of these girls twist between romance, loss, mistakes and triumphs. Will they survive the war and embark on a life post Hitler, or will the ATA lose three promising pilots?!

The novel is fantastically written and enthralling. I went to sleep thinking about the characters and woke up longer to devour a couple more chapters before work!

ThePoshGurl rating:

5 JimmyChoos out of 5.

Monday 30 May 2011

Celebrity Style Guru: Candidate 5

Finally a Canadian on ThePoshGurl’s celebrity style guru and who better than...

Rachel McAdams

Over the last few years McAdams has cemented her as a Hollywood must have with roles in “The Notebook”, “The Time Travellers Wife”, “Wedding Crashers”, “Sherlock Holmes” and “The Family Stone”. This year she found herself at the centre of Cannes Film Festival as she stepped out as Woody Allen’s latest muse in “Midnight in Paris”. This is a big step for the country girl from London, Ontario.

Born the 7th October 1976 the eldest daughter in the family started to perform publicly through figure skating at the age of 4. However, she later felt that these athletic events ultimately prostrated her nerves, and she turned her attention to acting. Joining Original Kids Theatre Company in her hometown, she had already taken part in Shakespearean productions at summer theater camp by thirteen. As she got more interested in acting, especially drama, Rachel was encouraged to enroll in Toronto’s York University where she satisfyingly graduated with honors and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theater. These were all the startings of the acting genius we see on the big screen today.

Rachel herself is a green person, facing a website and openly vocal about her beliefs and ideas on how to make a greener world. She is constantly seen on her bike riding around New York and Toronto. She is also an advocate for public transit!

“A sexy green thing to do is to wear bamboo underwear! They sound quite painful but they’re actually quite soft. I’ve also got soy underwear!”

When it comes to fashion Rachel knows how to dress up, and how to keep it casual. Her recent appearances at Cannes have established her as a fashion icon. After going through a rather “zany” fashion stage during the promos of “The Notebook” appearing in bright floral and shocking hairstyles:

“Rachel is very adventurous with personal style, especially with hair and makeup. She takes a chance and isn’t afraid to not look the best. A customs agent told me not to do that again. I’d like to do blue as well” -Kayleen McAdams, Rachel’s sister.

Rachel however, is now embodying the elegance of someone who has come into her own.

“These last few years have been a real education for me in terms of fashion. I’ve had exposure to these amazing designers and a whole new quality of clothing.”

“Rachel’s not drawn toward fashion. I think she’s really an actress—solid, right there.” – Diane Keaton.

First and foremost Rachel is an actress which is the way it should be. But, when promoting her movies the glamour is there and that is what is drawing a crowd of followers to her… she is interesting.

“It just feels like it [vintage clothing] has character or a little bit of history, a little bit of mystique. Like it’s been worn before. It’s got some kind of a story behind it. It’s something to feel good about. I like things that are a little bit worn in”.

“When I was a kid, I always walked around in my mom’s high heels. I used to take the mirror off my bedroom door and dance on top of it so I could see the way the shoes looked from all angles. But in university, I was more of a tomboy. I’d wear a vintage T-shirt and ols jeans to roll around on the floor during drama class.”
“I’ve always liked dressing up. And I love a high heel – the higher the better. I just feel funny in flats.”

Despite her laid back approach to fashion Rachel is definitely starting to get attention for her new and glamorous outfits seen in 2010 and so far in 2011. She is a style guru in the way of ~ she knows what she likes, she knows what looks good and she is not afraid to wear it!

Friday 27 May 2011

Style in the Store ~ Friday 27th May

We bunched some displays together for the event keeping the idea of summer in mind.

The Posh Gurl Style~ Summer Styling
The Posh Gurl Style~ Summer Graphics
The Posh Gurl Style~ Summer Graphics

The Posh Gurl Style~ Summer Styling

The Posh Gurl Style ~ Summer Styling

The front of the store was more funky young style

The Posh Gurl Style

The Posh Gurl Style

The Posh Gurl Style

The Posh Gurl Style

We went semi-formal in the back for the business people!

Ikue Style

The Posh Gurl Style

Maddie Style

The Posh Gurl Style

Thursday 26 May 2011

Kate Middleton Fashionable Again

The Obama’s came to the UK and Kate Middleton showed up the First Lady with her simple elegance and class act!

In a simple Reiss dress... one easily available, a black clutch and black stiletto. What topped the gown up was her perfect tan!

She didn’t need over-the-top colours, or designer names. The dress was well fitted to her body, the colour perfect for her skin tone.

She looked at home in the palace, and appeared as a Princess!

I am captivated by her style...

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Style in the Store ~ Wednesday 25th May

Loving these leggings!!

So you’ve seen patterned tights and overtly patterned leggings these are subtle but cute!

Tuesday 24 May 2011


As the Canucks Win The Posh Gurl celebrates from her balcony, blowing her cornet above the crowd exiting the game!!


Celebrity Style Guru: Candidate 4

“Life’s way too beautiful and fascinating to spend time on fashion rules”

Clemence Poesy is my fourth Celebrity Style Guru and she spoke these ominous words. But, its true. She is incredibly beautiful and her style fascinating because she BREAKS all the rules!

I once heard her described as “French-Girl Chic” and thought it fitted her style perfectly. Her style is easy and breezy with some added French funk. Since she first appeared in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, people have been intrigued by this young lady’s elegant appearance and quirky fashion sense.

Clemence was born in a suburb of Paris in 1982. Her father is a writer and director and was the first person to cast Clemence when she was just a child. She soon took her Mother’s maiden name as her stage name and headed into the acting world, studying drama at CNSAD, the Atelier International de Blanche Salant et Paul Weaver, and the University of Nanterre.

Clemence attended a bilingual school during her adolescence. This helped her a lot in 2004 where she took her first English speaking roll in a BBC period drama as Mary Queen of Scots. This roll earned her the award of Golden FIPA for actress in a TV series. From then on she was a hot name staring in the Potter movies, In Bruges, 127 Hours, and most recently Heartless with Jim Sturgess.

“I am interested in costume. Clothes in your daily life are important: your choices say something about you, even if what they're saying is about non-choice. And what you wear in a film is crucial. A film is a great deal about what you see, and the silhouette of a character tells you a lot. I'd love to go into film costume.”

Clemence Posey.

As well as acting Clemence is a model... for obvious reasons. Facing the Chloe by Chloe fragrance advertisements. She was also in Gap’s 2008 campaign. Appearing on countless French magazine covers as well as Nylon, and Australia’s Yen magazine. But, Clemence wasn’t always the beauty. Clemence admits herself that in school she was not popular, but in fact considered *a bit strange*!!

Harriet Quick, (Fashion features director of Vogue)

“She's got that very French mix of prettiness and charm, there is a sense of knowing about her. She's not buttoned-up, seems easy in her skin, dresses with wit and has real style. Designers adore her.”

Compared to Jane Birkin Clemence doesn’t seem to realize the power of her style. After being given the Chloe ad. Campaign she reportedly said, “They asked me right before I was about to start shooting In Bruges, and I thought, 'How funny to do a campaign with ChloĆ© when I am playing ChloĆ« in a film.” Coquettish she is NOT! But, what I love is that Clemence doesn’t shy away from hard work. She is a real person, with a real family, and real morals.

“I worked at it. I believe you have to make things happen. That thing [she puts on a little-girl voice], ''Oh, I just did an audition and I didn't want to get it but I just got chosen." I don't buy that. No. You have to want to get it.” Clemence Posey.

Clemence says that her beauty regime consists of “sleeping, good meals and trying to stay away from cigarettes”.

As for being grounded. Her family is a main reason for intellect and ability to stay ‘normal’ in the show biz. “Seriously, we’ve always shared more books, songs, films, or plays than fashion advice”.

Much like Sabrina (style guru candidate 4) fashion for Clemence is just another form of expression that she is happy to share. Her boho grunge is just a reflection of her intellectual style inspired by her teaching mother and writing father.
