Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Book Review: The Beauty Chorus

I know this is a fashion blog but for ThePoshGurl no outfit is complete without a good novel! In fact (besides evening bags) when I go handbag shopping I take my copy of Anna Karenina (aka my fattest novel) to make sure it will fit. If you peruse ThePoshGurl’s purse there will ALWAYS be a novel within.

What this means for my blog is that I will be writing book reviews. The first is on

“THE BEAUTY CHORUS” by Kate Lord Brown

I recently finished this period novel after only five days of reading. It was all consuming, a true-page turner! It follows three ATA girls during WWII. Evie, Stella and Megan each from completely different backgrounds thrown into life or death situations are forced to find their true selves in the turmoil of war.

Evie comes from a highly wealthy background, driving through the London streets in her Aston Martin! She sacrifices her lifestyle to escape not only an evil stepmother but to prove herself as an independent woman.

Stella has fled a failing marriage and post-partum depression to help the cause. As she falls in love with a man of the cloth she finds her past rising up and plaguing any possible happiness she has finally found.

Finally Megan, a welsh country-girl leaves her first love and beloved farm to join the cause after losing her brother only a few weeks before. At nineteen she is the youngest of the girls and has the most to find... and lose.

Evie heads the story as the relationships of these girls twist between romance, loss, mistakes and triumphs. Will they survive the war and embark on a life post Hitler, or will the ATA lose three promising pilots?!

The novel is fantastically written and enthralling. I went to sleep thinking about the characters and woke up longer to devour a couple more chapters before work!

ThePoshGurl rating:

5 JimmyChoos out of 5.

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