Monday 16 May 2011

Natural Skin Solutions Follow Up

KK, so yesterday I wrote a piece on Natural Skin Solutions. It was basically everything I learnt. Now I have to write about everything I loved!

First off... Amy, she is so passionate about what she does you cannot help but feel confident handing over your skin to her.

Secondly... the environment, from the moment I stepped inside the waiting room I just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep. I am seriously considering putting a water feature in my own room!

Thirdly... the treatment, WOW! The facials I usually get are all steam in your face, pain as they squeeze zits all over your skin... OUCH! This was so relaxing. The products smelt divine and besides a little tingling with the mask nothing hurt. Then whilst the mask is on there is a head massage. Oh Boy! It wasn’t like the massage you usually get during your facial a quick, fill the time rub down but an actual sensual, relaxing head massage.

I left the place on a total high! In fact I was so relaxed I practically floated home.

Fourthly... the follow up, Amy left me with some sample products and a sheet telling me when to use what and how. It was perfect. I understood exactly how to use each product.

Fifthly... the results, it has only been five days since my treatment but already my skin is feeling new. Besides a mini breakout on my forehead and around my nose, (which are already clearing up) my skin feels softer and healthier. I have even been having people comment on my skin... AMAZING!

In the morning the product smells so fresh, (no artificial smells either) it wakes me up. Seriously, I cannot tell you how much I adore these products.

I have nothing but good things to say about Amy’s new business and I URGE you to go... seriously GO! This place is amazing....

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