Friday 13 May 2011

Fun on a Friday Night

After spending the entire day (yes day ... 7.5 hours to be exact) on a cancer ward with my sleeping Mama...

& writing a very exciting beauty article soon to be released so watch this space

...I decided to spend the evening watching TV and playing. For me playing is downloading fashion apps onto my iphone... do you know there is a Fashion Network app that shows the ENTIRE fashion shows of (I haven’t gone through them all yet) countless design houses! Bliss!

When my eyes could not focus on the tiny screen anymore I put it aside and moved onto something smaller!! My Nails!

The afternoon had seen me pouring through some magazines and each one showed “The Half Moon” Manicure being the staple for the summer. So without French Manicure stickers and expert training I had a go...

Not too bad... but it only lasted for about an hour when I decided that it wasn’t a Mani for me. I changed back to a solo pastel color topped with sparkles!!

I know... crappy Friday night, but what else can a girl do on Friday the 13th?!

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