Monday 30 May 2011

Celebrity Style Guru: Candidate 5

Finally a Canadian on ThePoshGurl’s celebrity style guru and who better than...

Rachel McAdams

Over the last few years McAdams has cemented her as a Hollywood must have with roles in “The Notebook”, “The Time Travellers Wife”, “Wedding Crashers”, “Sherlock Holmes” and “The Family Stone”. This year she found herself at the centre of Cannes Film Festival as she stepped out as Woody Allen’s latest muse in “Midnight in Paris”. This is a big step for the country girl from London, Ontario.

Born the 7th October 1976 the eldest daughter in the family started to perform publicly through figure skating at the age of 4. However, she later felt that these athletic events ultimately prostrated her nerves, and she turned her attention to acting. Joining Original Kids Theatre Company in her hometown, she had already taken part in Shakespearean productions at summer theater camp by thirteen. As she got more interested in acting, especially drama, Rachel was encouraged to enroll in Toronto’s York University where she satisfyingly graduated with honors and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theater. These were all the startings of the acting genius we see on the big screen today.

Rachel herself is a green person, facing a website and openly vocal about her beliefs and ideas on how to make a greener world. She is constantly seen on her bike riding around New York and Toronto. She is also an advocate for public transit!

“A sexy green thing to do is to wear bamboo underwear! They sound quite painful but they’re actually quite soft. I’ve also got soy underwear!”

When it comes to fashion Rachel knows how to dress up, and how to keep it casual. Her recent appearances at Cannes have established her as a fashion icon. After going through a rather “zany” fashion stage during the promos of “The Notebook” appearing in bright floral and shocking hairstyles:

“Rachel is very adventurous with personal style, especially with hair and makeup. She takes a chance and isn’t afraid to not look the best. A customs agent told me not to do that again. I’d like to do blue as well” -Kayleen McAdams, Rachel’s sister.

Rachel however, is now embodying the elegance of someone who has come into her own.

“These last few years have been a real education for me in terms of fashion. I’ve had exposure to these amazing designers and a whole new quality of clothing.”

“Rachel’s not drawn toward fashion. I think she’s really an actress—solid, right there.” – Diane Keaton.

First and foremost Rachel is an actress which is the way it should be. But, when promoting her movies the glamour is there and that is what is drawing a crowd of followers to her… she is interesting.

“It just feels like it [vintage clothing] has character or a little bit of history, a little bit of mystique. Like it’s been worn before. It’s got some kind of a story behind it. It’s something to feel good about. I like things that are a little bit worn in”.

“When I was a kid, I always walked around in my mom’s high heels. I used to take the mirror off my bedroom door and dance on top of it so I could see the way the shoes looked from all angles. But in university, I was more of a tomboy. I’d wear a vintage T-shirt and ols jeans to roll around on the floor during drama class.”
“I’ve always liked dressing up. And I love a high heel – the higher the better. I just feel funny in flats.”

Despite her laid back approach to fashion Rachel is definitely starting to get attention for her new and glamorous outfits seen in 2010 and so far in 2011. She is a style guru in the way of ~ she knows what she likes, she knows what looks good and she is not afraid to wear it!

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