Friday 20 May 2011

Kate Middleton Affects My Fashion Sense

I was very excited to see Religion being stocked in JennyFleurLove today, but what really caught my eye was a Wildfox tee. A union-jack in the shape of a heart and the crown on top. Perfect!!

It got me to thinking... I have just bought a perfectly legitimate patriotic tee for Britain... And that made me think... After all my rebelling I am finally coming back to my roots. I would like to give credit to the people who have brought about this change of heart...

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

Watching the Royal Wedding made me all warm and fuzzy, it made me want to reattach myself to Britain... so I have. I think living in Canada for the last nine years has allowed me to forgive and (kind of forget) all of the reasons I hated England for so long! So there we have it...

ANYWAY... back to the Tee... it is absolutely gorgeous. Hanging long, the sides are cut low and so gape open which will be perfect for the summer with a colored tank underneath.

JennyFleurLove is just getting better and better bringing in fantastic designers. I was so excited to see Whitney Eve being stocked in Vancouver and now Religion is readily available in Yaletown... YEAH!

JennyFleurLove: -

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